Xbox One will turn on faster than your TV while in stand-by mode

Xbox One will reportedly boot up faster than your TV, according to Microsoft’s director of product planning, Albert Penello.

Penello took to Reddit (via Videogamer) to answer fan questions and explain the power states of the console, saying, “There are basically three states. On, Off and Standby. On is On. Off is Off. Standby allows “Xbox On”, quick resume, checking for updates, etc.”

Penello was also keen to outline how quickly the console will boot-up in stand-by mode, “From standby, it’s likely the Xbox will be on before the TV is completely powered up.”
There is no information however about the exact time it would take for the process, but I guess that’s something we will find out come launch.

Microsoft also intends for Xbox One to be spend most of its time in stand-by mode, from this mode the console can launch TV or games without using much power, according to Penello, “This is the mode we’d like to see people in, obviously, so you get back to gaming or watching TV really quick.”

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"Xbox One will turn on faster than your TV while in stand-by mode" :: Login/Create an Account :: 58 comments

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-CP very use
much fast
such wow
I lol'd. Is this serious or fantard joke?


mev96 Key phrase "Standby mode" lmfao what a joke. Obviously its going to turn on faster if its on standby........ -_-

Haters gonna Hate.. This is exactly why I can't stand PS fantards. You just have to hate on everything, even if it is a positive. You are the only joke I see here. Why did you even click on an Xbox article if all you are going to do is talk trash? I guess a troll can't help but be a troll.

hes not hating simply stating a fact and for that matter who really cares if it comes on fast show me something positive that gonna benefit me over getting a ps4 for 100 bucks cheaper.

I care if it turns on quicker. The quicker the better. If you don't want to spend the extra $100 then get the PS4, no one is stopping you. You obviously aren't getting the Xbox One no matter what people say to convince you so get out.
Exactly. We could throw a whole bunch of facts/opinions as at but it looks like you've already made that decision, so clear off...


mev96 Key phrase "Standby mode" lmfao what a joke. Obviously its going to turn on faster if its on standby........ -_-

Haters gonna Hate.. This is exactly why I can't stand PS fantards. You just have to hate on everything, even if it is a positive. You are the only joke I see here. Why did you even click on an Xbox article if all you are going to do is talk trash? I guess a troll can't help but be a troll.

hes not hating simply stating a fact and for that matter who really cares if it comes on fast show me something positive that gonna benefit me over getting a ps4 for 100 bucks cheaper.

I care if it turns on quicker. The quicker the better. If you don't want to spend the extra $100 then get the PS4, no one is stopping you. You obviously aren't getting the Xbox One no matter what people say to convince you so get out.


I think I'm just going to stick to PS4


mev96 Key phrase "Standby mode" lmfao what a joke. Obviously its going to turn on faster if its on standby........ -_-

Haters gonna Hate.. This is exactly why I can't stand PS fantards. You just have to hate on everything, even if it is a positive. You are the only joke I see here. Why did you even click on an Xbox article if all you are going to do is talk trash? I guess a troll can't help but be a troll.

hes not hating simply stating a fact and for that matter who really cares if it comes on fast show me something positive that gonna benefit me over getting a ps4 for 100 bucks cheaper.


I imagine anyone who doesn't want to use Kinect is getting a PS4 or they have already made up their minds about Kinect 2 being crap before even trying it out (or its spying on them) and it will stay in the box. Either way, normal people will probably at least hook it up and give it a shot and unless they dont have room in the first place for the device, they will be too lazy to put it away.


mev96 Key phrase "Standby mode" lmfao what a joke. Obviously its going to turn on faster if its on standby........ -_-

Haters gonna Hate.. This is exactly why I can't stand PS fantards. You just have to hate on everything, even if it is a positive. You are the only joke I see here. Why did you even click on an Xbox article if all you are going to do is talk trash? I guess a troll can't help but be a troll.


I think i doubt it,because xbox 360 Boots are like what 6 or 10 seconds and my tv turns itself the instant the button is touched on.


I can already watch tv without my cable box on my 360, lol.


The fast turn on time seems like a pretty cool feature to me. While not essential it's helpful never the less