Xbox One shipped early to two customers one gets banned by MS

Xbox One is already in the hands of two people, thanks to Target shipping the console out early – and one user has already had the console banned by Microsoft for hooking the machine up early.

One of the Target customers, via Engadget, posted the console on eBay stating the proceeds from the sale would go to “my corporation to create products for Special Ed students.”

The bidding got as high as $10,000 before the listing was taken down. A reason was not provided, but it’s possible Microsoft forced the issue.

On Twitter, the other Target customer, Moonlightswami, linked to a YouTube video he posted, showing his Xbox One being unboxed. It was soon taken down by YouTube due to a copyright claim from Microsoft.

Said user stated the Day One patch for Xbox One was around 500MB and said some of the games already available to download from the Xbox Games Store such as Call of Duty: Ghosts, use up anywhere from 43GB to 31GB and some donwload only titles such as Lococycle take up 13GB of hard drive space.

We’ll have to take his word for this information, because there is no way it can be confirmed at this time. He also said Kinect works rather well, so that is a plus.

While Moonlightswami attained his Xbox One through legitimate means, Microsoft has since banned his console.

Microsoft has not issued comment on either occurrence.

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"Xbox One shipped early to two customers one gets banned by MS" :: Login/Create an Account :: 94 comments

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Why blame the customers? They payed for it fair and square. Target should be at blame not the customers.


Rage i would hate to be him lol


Monster-Munch I dont know why they banned it its not his fault lol.

Oh so I guess copyright laws are not a real thing. Try reading the article next time.


I would've just never plugged it up to the internet.


JimboSlice What?! 10K for a console being a few weeks early.... Some people are crazy.

Yes, but some people just have that much money.

People like to get it early and see what they can do to it


JimboSlice What?! 10K for a console being a few weeks early.... Some people are crazy.

Yes, but some people just have that much money.


What?! 10K for a console being a few weeks early.... Some people are crazy.


Who would pay $10,000 for the Xbox One, just a couple of days early! People aren't very smart!


I dont know why they banned it its not his fault lol.


Disguise 50 gigs for ghosts? That's outrageous. That changes my whole idea for the 400gb hard drive it comes in. Scale wise it would be basically around a 24gb hard drive for 360.. Games keep on evolving so I'm sure a lot of the next-gen games will be around 50gb too.

My bad, 40gigs. But still, it's pretty insane. That's around only 10 games, EXCLUDING dlc which if it was as big as bo2, would take like another 6 gigs. And bf4 dlcs would probably be gigantic