Sony president undaunted by 'mixed' PS4 reviews

The past few days have delivered a flood of PlayStation 4 launch game reviews, many of which have been less than flattering. Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida remains unfazed.

"Yeah, it's disappointing to see some of the low scores," Yoshida admitted in an interview with "I haven't spent enough time reading reviews, but I would characterize them as mixed," he added optimistically.

In an attempt to partially explain away the lower-than-expected review scores, Yoshida cites an overworked games media. "[W]ith this launch there are lots of games coming out, so the media must be very busy going through the games quickly, and especially since the online functionality wasn't ready until in the last couple days. So we have to look at how much time they spend on what aspect of the games and how that may be contributing to some of the lower scores."

"It's disappointing but I don't think it's worrisome for the launch of the system," he added.

Finally, Yoshida offers a personal defense of his company's offerings. "I've played through all of our games, Killzone, Knack and Resogun, and I totally enjoyed playing through these games. I'm now on my second run of Knack and Resogun at a higher difficulty - these games really grow on you when you play more," Yoshida said.

"I'm very confident that once you purchase these games and play, you'll be happy that you've done so."

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"Sony president undaunted by 'mixed' PS4 reviews" :: Login/Create an Account :: 31 comments

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in the end it doesnt matter what reviews say its all a matter of preference


ImgBurn I think the xbox will be better

what does that have to do with this post?

Is he not allowed to talk or do you just hate everyone? Im gonna talk. The ps4 is a failure after all the people that got it already and their systems are broke. its not even out yet. Hasnt even been a full week since they had it too.


"Mixed reviews"? lol, it is a complete failure, hardware wise.


ImgBurn I think the xbox will be better

what does that have to do with this post?


I like it a lot :) If I do get money the console I would get is the playstation


Reviews are based of personal opinion. Im only getting the PS4 because it's cheaper. Im just happy to enjoy playing online with or without friends.


I'm an xbox guy, but I loved the PS4 when i tried it out. This would not stop me from buying this incredible console!


FibreOp I don't care what the reviews are. Still getting this console no matter what.

I would definitely agree.


Im mixed about Knack. It looks like it can be interesting, but the live stream IGN did was boring. Still undecided if I should pick it up.


I think the xbox will be better