Lower Call of Duty: Ghosts sales 'not a sign of series fatigue'

Call of Duty: Ghosts didn’t fare too well at review, but Activison feels that its biggest and most trusted critics are the fans themselves who, according to Eric Hirshberg, are getting along with the new shooter just fine.

Speaking among the pages of this month’s GameInformer, Activision’s head of publishing was asked if the Call of Duty brand was in danger of perishing under gamer fatigue.

He replied, “No,” and added, “We’ve been pretty transparent all year that we think, because of the challenges of the console transition year, that that was likely in the short-term. I think it would be a mistake to conflate the challenges of the console transition year with any indications about the health of the franchise.”

The magazine then asked Hirsberg if annualising the brand has perhaps caused diminishing returns to this pointm and it was suggested that this is a popular view among critics. He replied, “Well no, obviously not – and obviously I don’t agree with the critics there. I know that Call of Duty’s a polarising franchise with some of the critics, and it’s clear to me that not all the critics like our strategy of making a game every year, but thankfully our fans do.

“It’s also clear to me that the critical response doesn’t always mirror the fans’ appreciation of a game. We actually do read the critics’ comments and take them into consideration during our creative process, but we just can’t measure ourselves by that yardstick alone.

“Our most important audience is our fans, so we try to stay laser-focused on making games that they love. If you look at the fact that [Ghosts is] the most pre-ordered game of the year, it’s the most pre-ordered next-gen game of the year, it’s already the number one most played on Xbox Live, and that we’re seeing longer average playtimes than ever before, we’re confident that we’re doing well by the criteria that matter most.”

Is the Call of Duty brand dwindling? How much longer can it keep up this pace? Let us know below.

Related Forum: Call of Duty Forum

Source: http://www.vg247.com/2013/12/04/call-of-duty-ghosts-critical-response-doesnt-mirror-fan-appreciation-says-activision/


"Lower Call of Duty: Ghosts sales 'not a sign of series fatigue'" :: Login/Create an Account :: 126 comments

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Woof What if it is the lowest sales as of late, with 1 billion $ it still earned the same as GTA5, from business stand point a great investment. Add to that the double revenuer because of the map packs and other DLC and you have a goldmine.

It may not be a game for me and I hope they use some of that money they earn to make something new, instead of pumping out the same games over and over again. I guess CoD is part of the funding for some next gen stuff like Watchdogs.

They will for sure make some money for something new.
This COD still sold like nothing else has before the day of its release.

I mean it outsold GTA V even with less hype and free marketing.



Sempiternal I'm not the biggest fan - No ground war... I haven't got it yet but I've played it a few times around a friends house, the game does feel nice. But it will never match up to the feeling of Cod4 and W@W just because of nostalgia.

There are a lot of people that don't like it because of how quickly you die and that you have to buy a next gen console to play ground war.
I guess Ghosts isn't for everyone.


Sempiternal I'm not the biggest fan - No ground war... I haven't got it yet but I've played it a few times around a friends house, the game does feel nice. But it will never match up to the feeling of Cod4 and W@W just because of nostalgia.

In most cases someones first call of duty is always their favorite. My favorite being MW2, i don't think any CoD can match up to that due to nostalgia primarily


What if it is the lowest sales as of late, with 1 billion $ it still earned the same as GTA5, from business stand point a great investment. Add to that the double revenuer because of the map packs and other DLC and you have a goldmine.

It may not be a game for me and I hope they use some of that money they earn to make something new, instead of pumping out the same games over and over again. I guess CoD is part of the funding for some next gen stuff like Watchdogs.


I'm not the biggest fan - No ground war... I haven't got it yet but I've played it a few times around a friends house, the game does feel nice. But it will never match up to the feeling of Cod4 and W@W just because of nostalgia.


I dont think its going down just times are hard for alot of people


Wigwam I really don't like this game one bit

It seems like most don't because of how quickly you die in this game.
It is harder to be good.

You die very fast in this game compared to other cods


Wigwam I really don't like this game one bit

It seems like most don't because of how quickly you die in this game.
It is harder to be good.


Italian It is a sign of fatigue obviously. But like I said earlier this Call Of Duty, I think helped reputation. I think people didn't buy it because of what they heard after it came out or because they decided to quit Call of Duty after BO2.

COD4 - #1
WAW - #2
BO1 - #3
Ghosts - #4
BO2 - #5
MW2 - #6
MW3 - #7

That is my order of favorite COD to least favorite COD

How in the world is BO1 number 3?
That was worse than Ghosts.


Italian It is a sign of fatigue obviously. But like I said earlier this Call Of Duty, I think helped reputation. I think people didn't buy it because of what they heard after it came out or because they decided to quit Call of Duty after BO2.

COD4 - #1
WAW - #2
BO1 - #3
Ghosts - #4
BO2 - #5
MW2 - #6
MW3 - #7

That is my order of favorite COD to least favorite COD

Not hating or anything since its just an opinion, but the order I'd put them in is
1. BO2
2. MW2
3. CoD 4
4. Ghosts
5. BO1
6. WaW
7. MW3

At least we can both agree on something haha, MW3 was the worst by far its the only one I actually don't like. WaW and BO1 weren't bad, Ghosts is alright, CoD4 was pretty good, but I think BO2 was the best by far and MW2 is a classic like CoD4

It all depends on the individuals opinion really. I have a much different order from the both of you. With MW2 being my favorite followed by Call of Duty 4