The first Xbox One laptop mod has already been made

We have seen folks create an Xbox 360 laptop mod in the past, but now one person has charged ahead and made a 22 inch laptop from the hardware pieces of Microsoft's Xbox One console. It comes from the hands and tools of experienced modder James “DarkUncle” Terry.

Terry posted up the results of his labor on his YouTube channel Monday. As you can see in the clip, much of the Xbox One's case was reused for this mod, including the front bezel which contains the slot loading disc drive. The Xbox One power light has been reused as as well and placed on the top side of the laptop mod. All of the posts on the back of the console are saved as well.

Terry did add a line out audio port in this mod, in case his buyer wanted to use an external audio speaker or source that is not digital based. Obviously, this creation does not have batteries like a regular laptop, so the owner will have to keep the mod plugged in with the big Xbox One power brick.

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"The first Xbox One laptop mod has already been made" :: Login/Create an Account :: 153 comments

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This is really awesome I have actually never heard of this type of mod before!


I want to purchase one right now.


I remember the 360 laptop mod, both are really cool.


Wow this must've taken ages to make.


This is really cool! but in a way it is a waste of time.


Looks like something really cool to own.


i would love to own one personally. but would defiantly be a pain carrying that power brick. But all the chargers on laptops are pretty big just not that size


i guess its kinda cool, but a waste of time right now as most people are ether just getting consoles or can't afford one in the first place. Props to whoever made it though :D


My personal opinion is that this is a waste of time and money. Why buy a console just to turn it into a computer? I mean, yes I understand that it is running windows 8 but I just don't get it.


Stex So much time and effort into projects such as this,
and here i am, poor and without an Xbox One!

I'm in the same boat with you. I am sure that various people don't have the money to afford a next generation console