PlayStation Plus February: free games supposedly leaked

PS Plus February is said to offer PS4 owners a free download of Red Barrels’ horror title Outlast, among others.

GamePointsNow says it has been shown a list of Sony’s February offering. It is said to include Outlast PS4, Bioshock Infinite and Metro Last Light on PS3, as well as Dynasty Warriors Next and Modnation Racers on PS Vita.

Do you reckon this list looks realistic? Let us know below.

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"PlayStation Plus February: free games supposedly leaked" :: Login/Create an Account :: 53 comments

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they look pretty good.Can't wait.


-Signed Seems Microsoft and Sony are on the same foot when it comes to releasing free games for their users.

Yeah, I think sony has it a little better

Hmm, I think xbox will still have more Popularity.

Yeah not really. Ps4 has pretty much won this generation hands down.

It seems to me that Sony is handing out better games to there users

It looks that way, although Xbox had Sleeping Dogs for free, which i loved.


G36cBossMan Why? I don't play psn but I hope they make them no free games...

Why would you want people not to get free games? It's a win win for both the players and Sony. It draws in more people to buy PS+ and it makes the players happy.


Why? I don't play psn but I hope they make them no free games...


-Signed Seems Microsoft and Sony are on the same foot when it comes to releasing free games for their users.

Yeah, I think sony has it a little better

Hmm, I think xbox will still have more Popularity.

Yeah not really. Ps4 has pretty much won this generation hands down.


CreaturesHax I had the old playstation Consoles. but then I switch to xbox....

Me too, with all the game deals it makes me think back on it


-Signed Seems Microsoft and Sony are on the same foot when it comes to releasing free games for their users.

Yeah, I think sony has it a little better


Dynasty Warriors is AWESOME I remember playing it on my PS2 xD


-Mark Seems like they are going to give out some pretty good games! Hopefully Microsoft will do something like this for the Xbox One.

Im honestly hoping they do, we pay for live just to play, and to use free features that are on Playstation, I want something along these linse!


Mumps Every time I see something about PS4, I get jealous that all these stores don't have them in stock. I have the money and everything.

best try ebay or an online store to get yourself one, if you are that interested in obtaining one buddy!