Xbox Live: Xbox One sign in issues Microsoft Investigating

Update: Sign in Issues have been fixed.

If you're having trouble signing onto Xbox Live on the Xbox One, you are not alone. Microsoft is aware of the issue and is "actively investigating," according to the official Xbox Support Twitter account.

The Xbox Status page gives the following alert:

Affected platforms:
Xbox One

Affected services:
Signing into Xbox Live

Are you unable to sign in to Xbox Live? We are currently engaged and working hard to mitigate the issue. Thanks for all your patience while we work. We'll update you again in 30 minutes.

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


"Xbox Live: Xbox One sign in issues Microsoft Investigating" :: Login/Create an Account :: 123 comments

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Old-gen all day guys, next-gen is over-rated.


Tryztun Oooooh, here comes the posts asking "why can't I log onto Xbox Live?"

More like,
"omg! I told yoooos micros*1t would be hakkksword! XB1 is rubbish! looooooooooooooooool how long did tht take?? PS+ ftw!!!!!"


Umm no. Now that is just rubbish, but one thing is for sure I can't sign in. Which sucks very much!

Do you understand the concept of a joke? Because that's what is was.


im on xbox live on my xbox one at the moment


I am so glad I am playing on my xbox 360 NO ISSUES!


Hasn't happened to me yet, thank god I've already had quite a few problems with my Xbox.


I have no problem signing in.... But when I do it's because my internet is slow :/


It seems like this is an issue every other week x)


I had no problem signing in.


Tryztun Oooooh, here comes the posts asking "why can't I log onto Xbox Live?"

More like,
"omg! I told yoooos micros*1t would be hakkksword! XB1 is rubbish! looooooooooooooooool how long did tht take?? PS+ ftw!!!!!"


Umm no. Now that is just rubbish, but one thing is for sure I can't sign in. Which sucks very much!


Tryztun Oooooh, here comes the posts asking "why can't I log onto Xbox Live?"

More like,
"omg! I told yoooos micros*1t would be hakkksword! XB1 is rubbish! looooooooooooooooool how long did tht take?? PS+ ftw!!!!!"
