Details on Xbox One Games With Gold 'coming soon'

Details on an Xbox One version of the Games With Gold programme may be coming soon, according to Microsoft's Phil Spencer.

The Microsoft Game Studios corporate vice president was asked on Twitter when players could expect Games With Gold to make its way to the Xbox One, to which he responded: "Answer to this will be coming fairly soon."

Originally conceived as a limited-time promotion, before becoming a permanent service, Games with Gold offers Xbox Live Gold subscribers two free games each month. Titles downloaded via the promotion remain in that user's library permanently, and will not be deactivated if players unsubscribe from the Gold service.

The most recent titles confirmed for the initiative are Dead Island and Toy Soldiers: Cold War, which are the two free games to be given away in February.

Dead Island is currently free until February 15, then Toy Soldiers: Cold War replaces it on February 16 until the end of the month.

Microsoft first confirmed in November 2013 that Games With Gold would be coming to Xbox One.

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"Details on Xbox One Games With Gold 'coming soon'" :: Login/Create an Account :: 57 comments

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Valor Finally, they sure have been slow to act.

To be fair, they do have quite a lot on their plate.


I wonder what they will have for the xb1... probably some dumb stuff that didnt sell well like angry birds or halo spartan assault.

Regardless i love the free games


Finally, they sure have been slow to act.


It's going to be a while until games become free on Xbone. Probably until games drop below 20 dollars.


I don't know if I am missing some bit of information but at the moment I have absolutely no idea what sorts of games they will be giving out.


About time. Geez, they act as if we're the robbers....


I hope they dont do awful arcade games that people play once then not again. I dont know if they will be remaking 360 games for it as a digital download though? I can see them doing Saints Row 2, Aliens vs Predator, Battlefield: Bad Co 1 or 2. Any of those i can see possible of being up for games with gold.


Yes, Yes, Yes. Please make it happen soon!


I want them to make the games cross compatible like dead island riptide love that freaking game want to see it on my xbox one but no


I would love to see them drop some good games for the xbox one