Xbox One digital Games on Demand deals being tested

From this Tuesday to next Monday, February 18th-24th, the digital version of Ryse will be available for 20 USD less at $39.99 versus retail of $59.99.

So we're testing some, and [from] 2/18 through 2/24 you can get Ryse: Son of Rome off digital marketplace for $39.99. Special deal on add ons starts 2/25.Mike Ybarra

Both Ybarra and MajorNelson have made it clear lately that Microsoft plans to introduce more "competitive pricing" for digital downloads going forward. When asked directly on the subject Nelson responded with "It is indeed on the agenda."

Would you be more prone to purchase games at a slightly reduced price in a digital only form?

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"Xbox One digital Games on Demand deals being tested" :: Login/Create an Account :: 71 comments

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I might actually buy the game now that the price has been reduced


Well this is quite interesting, i don't think i will be more prone to purchase digital games if price reduced though, while i would for PC i buy physical copies of games as my internet is very slow.


That is actually a really good deal. I would definitely look into buying this.


Yea I'd definitely rather purchase a digital copy for many reasons. First, you wouldn't have to worry about scratches secondly, digital copies load faster and don't make any noise like a hard copy and thirdly, their wouldn't be any frame drops, like a CD usually does. At least for me. Their are some cons to it but, I'd still rather have a digital copy over a hard copy.


Wish they did this on the 360.....


I would definitely purchase a game digitally if it were $20 cheaper than what is for a hard copy. Hopefully they do it on more games then Ryse though because I am not too interested in that game.


That is very cool I was always a believer in that if you buy something digitally it shouldn't cost as much as the actual disc. This brought a smile to my face lol


This is quite a deal. Hard to beat 20 off.


That is actually really cool...
When they mentioned they'd offer them at a discounted price, I thought maybe 5 or 10 off, 20 off is quite a deal.


Heir It is more beneficial for the consumer to buy them off the marketplace because you don't need to worry about broken discs

And beneficial to MS because the sales go to them, not Gamestop. And Jewstop can't buy your digital game for $2 and sell if for $35. Win Win.