PlayStation is outselling Xbox by more than 3:1

The Xbox One and PlayStation 4 launched at more or less the same time, but Sony's console has enjoyed greater success than that of Microsoft. Indeed, it's no secret that the PS4 has been outselling the Xbox One - earlier this month we reported that the latest figures suggest that Sony had sold around two million more of its next-gen consoles compared with Microsoft.

Sony reported its quarterly financials earlier today, and as part of that report, it disclosed that it had sold a combined total of 3.5 million PS4 and PS3 units during the quarter ending June 30. As MCV UK notes, Sony has said that the strong sales of its PlayStation 4 are compensating for declining interest in the PS3, and given how well the PS4 has been selling, it seems safe to assume that a pretty big chunk of those 3.5m sales were of the newer console.

Compare this with the latest official figure provided by Microsoft, when it recently reported its quarterly results. The company said that it had sold a combined total of 1.1m Xbox One and Xbox 360 units during the same quarter.

Now, we must be absolutely clear that we have no firm indication of how these figures - 3.5m PlayStations sold versus 1.1m Xbox units - break down between the newer- and older-generation consoles, so any conclusions we draw are based on assumptions.

So if we assume that the ratio of new versus old console sales is roughly equivalent at Sony and Microsoft, that would indicate that the PS4 is outselling the Xbox One by three-to-one. But even if we generously (and improbably) assumed that 80% of Xbox sales last quarter were Xbox Ones (around 880,000), and only 50% of PlayStation sales were of the PS4 (1,750,000), Sony would still be selling twice as many next-gen consoles as Microsoft.

Given that Sony has indicated rising interest in the PS4 versus weaker sales of the PS3, and that we know the PS4 is selling like hotcakes, it seems more likely that the proportion of new-to-old console sales is similar to that of Microsoft. Since overall PlayStation sales are three times higher than total Xbox sales, this would support the notion that the PS4 is outselling the Xbox One by 3:1.

It's worth noting that Microsoft has said that sales of the Xbox One doubled in the last three weeks of the quarter, following the launch of its lower-cost Kinect-free Xbox One, priced at $399. That massive increase in June doesn't appear to have had a significant impact on total Xbox sales, which continue to lag far, far behind those of Sony's PlayStation consoles - but it does at least indicate growing interest in Microsoft's console, which the company could certainly use right now.

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"PlayStation is outselling Xbox by more than 3:1" :: Login/Create an Account :: 93 comments

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DiamondDoctor Not really surprised, playstation learned from the near disastrous ps3 launch and really nailed it this time, xbox was a little too daring with price point and the kinect being included really killed it. I congratulate sony this time around, they are blowing microsoft out of the water, and im proud to say i love BOTH mine, but i use the ps4 a lot more.

Still, dang. 3:1. Phewwwwww.

They are just guessing 3:1, But even so sony did blow xbox out of the water considering xbox doesn't need to sell as much to make the same money and since xbox got the china release date first.


DavidDo0M Sales do not determine the "better" console. Which is a better car, a Lambo Gallardo or a Ford Focus? The Lambo, you say? Then why has the Focus outsold the Lambo by a ratio much higher than 3:1? You think maybe price and availability factor in there? Most certainly. Microsoft has evened out the price discrepancy. Now, how will these number look in December? February? 2016? What most forget, overlook, or flat out ignore is the fact that PS4 is available in roughly 64 regions. X1 is only available in about 13. That's like bragging that your product is outselling mine, when your product is sold at Walmart and mine is only sold at a couple Mom and Pop stores. Let's wait until both consoles are available worldwide, give them time to sell, then compare the numbers.(as though numbers even matter)

In the meantime, don't base your decision on sales figures. That is moronic. Purchase the console that most appeals to you and your friends and be happy you could afford a new console at all. Ultimately, they are both fantastic consoles only separated by personal preference.

Right except the price discrepancy is no where near that gap. Also with a lambo you get more power with the higher price, unlike the XB1.

You literally made me sign in to respond to your douchey fanboy cry. This guy was open to both consoles on how they are both great and that both have pros/cons and simply that the initial costs of the consoles and the available regions is why there is a numbers difference.

Play station has many epic single player games that are amazingly fun, but their online is complete s**t. They have proven this time and time again.

The xbox has a few single player games that are fun and you can play over a couple times, but they make up for it with the massive, very reliable and fun, multiplayer.

Now that PS now charges for MP they should improve, but sony as the company, is a complete POS. Their marketing campaign was the worst, in the way that they took advantage of the general publics unknown.

The DRM plans for the xbox were amazing, it would have brought consoles closer to PC.

BTW I own neither consoles. I have a PC and enjoy the amazing community and games. Now, I have owned Xbox 360's - no not to hardware problems, so don't even cry out you PS fanboys - and a PS3.

Right now both consoles have roughly the same amount of single player games. Besides I agree PSN on PS3 was awful, but now that it's a paid service it has vastly improved.

Don't jump to conclusions, I own both consoles and I agree that the original Xbox One DRM was great. I would love to have family sharing, and I hope it's added in at a later date.

But you can't deny that the PS4 simply has the better economic value. It launched with hardware that was more powerful and at $100 less.


I knew PS4 has been outselling the Xbox One for a while, maybe even since the release of both consoles, but I didn't think they were leading in sales by so much, I thought they were close in sales so this is very surprising to me.


Unsinned Wow the day of Playstation outselling Microsoft...

It has been happening on the next gen consoles for a while, the fact that for the longest time the PS4 was $100 cheaper made all the difference.


Maybe Sunset Overdrive will boost the sales of the One if it doesn't suck but PS4 is where it's at right now.


Not really surprised, playstation learned from the near disastrous ps3 launch and really nailed it this time, xbox was a little too daring with price point and the kinect being included really killed it. I congratulate sony this time around, they are blowing microsoft out of the water, and im proud to say i love BOTH mine, but i use the ps4 a lot more.

Still, dang. 3:1. Phewwwwww.


Wow the day of Playstation outselling Microsoft...


Damn. Thats crazy never would of thought PS4 out sell Xbox One.


This tbh has no indication of which console is better so I dont see how people can fanboy..


I think its not completely fair to compare the sales if ps4 is sold in way more regions then xbox one. Like myself i live the Netherlands and the xbox one is not for sale here. And everyone on the 360 is waiting for it to come out in september. Then the sales will be more equal or bigger by MS. Just what i think though.