Apple has announced its smart watch, the Apple Watch

After many months of speculation and the competition announcing their goods, Apple has announced it's play into the wearables market with the Apple Watch.

Tim Cook said that they did not intend to take the iPhone and slap it on your wrist, a subtle jab at Android smart watches.

The rotary dial on the side of the device plays a key part and acts like a multifunction input mechanism.

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"Apple has announced its smart watch, the Apple Watch" :: Login/Create an Account :: 69 comments

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It looks great honestly!


My friend keeps going on about this, Might have to look into getting one.


if the price isnt like too much i will get one


The way that technology could go, and instead we end up with a tiny phone on our wrists. Worst thing is, in about 15-20 years time, kids as young as 6/7 will be having smart watches, pretty **** up


This looks terrible tbh, arent iphones enough to screw around on? this will have no more features than an iphone and people will still have both


Liability Just another way for Apple to get some money. But I have to admit, it does look cool.

It kinda does, but definitely not worth the price. I will laugh when they launch it and nobody buys it for that price.

Well, you see Rolex's with price tags of thousands...So this is a steal.


Liability Just another way for Apple to get some money. But I have to admit, it does look cool.

It kinda does, but definitely not worth the price. I will laugh when they launch it and nobody buys it for that price.


Latency Everyone is saying "$300" but again, it's a WATCH! More likely to just be $100!

I'd say well over $100 due to it being "apple".

Sorry to disappoint kiddos, but if you do some digging on Apple's website you will find the watch has a starting price of 349 USD.

Well then I definitely am not buying that. That is a load of BS for a small piece of technology problem making price is about 30 USD


Just another way for Apple to get some money. But I have to admit, it does look cool.


Dezz I can honestly say i want this. Everyone else seems unimpressed but it looks cool.

Finally someone else who agrees. If these were not so expensive, I would have one! They are pretty cool if I am honest!