Halo 5: Guardians Retail Copy Images Posted, 60GB Required for Install

Early copies of Halo 5: Guardians have popped up on Imgur, showing that the disc will require 60GB of hard drive space. That’s quite a bit, but matches Halo: The Master Chief Collection which is currently listed as 62.74 GB on the Xbox Store.

Hopefully your hard drives are ready for the massive file dump. Halo 5 will also be the second Halo game rated T for Teen instead of the usual M for Mature. You can enjoy the images of the box art below.

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Source: http://www.dualshockers.com/2015/10/11/halo-5-guardians-retail-copy-images-posted-online-60gb-required-for-install/


"Halo 5: Guardians Retail Copy Images Posted, 60GB Required for Install" :: Login/Create an Account :: 28 comments

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Pro the file size for all games now is just so big! Can't wait to play Halo 5 though :o

yea 60GB is huge man !! my download will take forever !!


the file size for all games now is just so big! Can't wait to play Halo 5 though :o


I really like the case design, the different colours on the helmets are quite powerful.


This sounds pretty good actually. More GB to install = better game hehe


60 GB WOW the graphics on this game will look insane . But I. In no rush to get this game


60GB is just insane.

But I'm sure it's worth it.


60 gig ? wow thats a lot , but what did i expect


oh gosh, im going to need an HDD, but dat game doe dem pics like p0rn


I got a 3TB so i should be fine :)


60gb would send my xbox to miles over the free space...