March’s Xbox Live Games With Gold Lineup Leaked – Report

Microsoft hasn’t officially announced the Games with Gold lineup for March 2016 but the full lineup has already leaked online. This leak came from a user who has a proven track record with sharing the full Games with Gold lineup ahead of the official reveal so this might have a higher chance of being true. This rumor is further supported by an off-screen screenshot from the dashboard that showed one of the games confirmed in the leak being featured on the Xbox One Gold Membership dashboard. Hand of Fate was another game that was leaked through similar means last month, and then confirmed officially by Microsoft as being part of the Games with Gold lineup in February 2016. You can check out the leaked dashboard screen below.

Xbox One
1st March - 31st March – Crimes and Punishments: Sherlock Holmes
16th March – 15th April – Lords of the Fallen
1st March – 15th March – Supreme Commander 2
16th March – 31st March – Borderlands.

Lords of the Fallen is a full-scale retail release that is similar to Dark Souls in term of gameplay. The game is an action RPG with Souls-esque combat but with an easier difficulty and learning curve. Microsoft will officially announce the full Xbox Live Games with Gold lineup next week, at the end of February. It is highly likely that this list is correct but we will find this out soon enough.

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"March’s Xbox Live Games With Gold Lineup Leaked – Report" :: Login/Create an Account :: 47 comments

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Everyone seems to think these games are pointless, but a couple of the games they show here are awesome. Like Styx and Borderlands. Come on, guys.


Another set of pointless games, what a shame.


Yeah, don't hold much of an opinion on this.. Another set of pointless games really.


Another month of pointless games! Thanks microsoft.


Dont think Ill be getting any of these lmao


Borderlands is the only game there in my opinion.


Crimes and Punishment? I've literally never heard of this game... lol. OR Lords of the Fallen for that matter... I'll check them out:)


Borderlands is the game of choice here


Only good game is Borderlands, and you can pretty much get it for free anyway.


The only game I'm excited about is Borderlands. I've only played Borderlands 2 but I liked it a lot so it will be fun to play the first one.