PS4 and Xbox One ‘Won’t Hit Their Peak For Years’ – Analyst

Both the PS4 and the Xbox One are seeing some pretty solid sales as we head into the heart of the 2016 video game season. While Sony and Microsoft have been having some good success, there are a number of analysts that believe the best is still yet to come.

The Daily Star recently talked to Michael Olson, an expert in the industry who works for Piper Jaffray thinks the consoles haven’t hit their peak. “The console cycle is in its third year and investors are beginning to ask if we are nearing the ‘peak’ of this cycle. While some that own these stocks for the ‘cycle trade’ may be selling, we believe there are arguments to be made that consistent growth will come over the next several years and an ongoing mix shift towards digital that will drive margins higher.” Olson said.

The analyst is pointing to the fact that the PS4 and Xbox One have combined to sell somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 million units. He said that’s way ahead of where the last generation was and that in turn is a sign of just how healthy the current generation is. While all of this is still conjecture, it appears good things are still in store for both the PS4 and Xbox One.

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"PS4 and Xbox One ‘Won’t Hit Their Peak For Years’ – Analyst" :: Login/Create an Account :: 19 comments

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Can you imagine both of these company's at their peak. It's gone be amazing!


Bahroz I mean theyre both pretty damn expensive! so ofc they wont

The price is really not that expensive...


Obviously they are not at their peak that's why they keep adding things and trying to make more and more improvements everyday.


its because alot of people already have next gen


I mean theyre both pretty damn expensive! so ofc they wont


PS4 has really deserved the sales, the better console in my opinion.


This is to be expected really


Of course they won't hit their peaks for years that is to be expected.


Thats probably expected to be honest with how much technology is advancing