PlayStation News

In a time-honored Peter Moore tradition, the EA Sports head recently opened up for an interview on a variety of subjects in the game industry. This time, the oft fake-tattooed gentleman exposited on the future of OnLive and his company's investment in the upcoming PlayStation Motion Controller (supposedly named "Arc"). "I don't know about OnLive," Moore told CVG, responding to the question of more
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Atlus is an awfully empathetic company. It realizes that not everyone gets all sunshine and lollipops around the 14th of February -- in fact, some folks experience the opposite sensation: Darkness and ... salt-water taffy? We guess? With this dichotomy in mind, Atlus is allowing players to vote on the special event which will overtake its hard-as-hell RPG Demon's Souls on Valentine's Day -- more
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Lots of fans think it would be great to see the classic Final Fantasy VII remade in full HD glory on a platform like the PS3, but Final Fantasy XIII producers Yoshinori Kitase and Motomu Toriyama say it would be really tough to do. In a recent interview with Ultimania, they say that the limit isn't the HD technology, it's the amount of artisanship. "Considering the amount of work to make graphics more
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A new Modern Warfare 2 patch will be releasing tonight for the PS3 version. Once again, a number of exploits will be addressed, including: Care Package, Emergency Airdrop, and Sentry Gun marker grenades sprint speed normalized Fix for "infinite care package" exploit Sentry Guns: Improved placement detection, preventing cases of Sentry Guns inside geometry Model 1887: Bling using Akimbo and more
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he excitement over those two Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker PSP bundles was tempered somewhat by the fact that they were revealed in one tiny, blurry magazine scan. Now that Konami has released images of both camo PSP sets, nothing is stopping us from our blissful retail fantasies. Can't you just imagine buying one? Like the Portable Ops packs before them, these are two different bundles. The more
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This Thursday at 12:30am ET, the new season of GameTrailers TV is set to debut with a look at Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Specifically, the trailer for this week's episode promises that the show will display the first footage of the game's single-player campaign (we've seen multiplayer already, after all). Beyond the Bad Company 2 footage, GTTV will also have a clip from the upcoming Halo Legends more
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Venezuela's extreme leftist president Hugo Chavez recently took aim at the PlayStation and non-indigenous toys in his weekly radio-TV show, Alo Presidente. According to the AFP, Chavez stated, "Those games they call 'PlayStation' are poison. Some games teach you to kill." El Presidente had previously knocked Nintendo for promoting "selfishness, individualism and violence." He believes video games more
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Sometime next year, PlayStation 3 will receive a firmware update to display 3D movies and video games. Avatar: The Game is one of the first 3D-enabled games to arrive at retail, but it won't be the last and it's possible that publishers could release patches to add 3D to already released games. Like, for example, Super Stardust HD. Sony briefly showed a clip of Super Stardust HD, the more
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Capcom announced today that a demo for its upcoming jetpacktion game, Dark Void, will be available this week on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network. The demo, which promises "a combination of thrilling aerial dog-fighting, unique vertical cover action and on-foot combat," will be released Wednesday, January 6 on Xbox Live Marketplace and Thursday, January 7 on PSN. Wait, did it say we'd be fighting more
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With the exception of Metal Gear Solid 4 and Final Fantasy XIII, games have rarely needed more than the 25 GB offered by a standard single-layer Blu-ray disc. The lack of demand hasn't stopped Sony and Panasonic, though. The two companies have developed a new technology called "i-MLSE" that can increase the capacity of a single-layer disc by about a third, to 33.4 GB. According to Nikkei more
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