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GTA V - Waste Management [15G]

Tutorial Name: GTA V - Waste Management [15G]  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: -Strive

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Views: 958

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GTA V - Waste Management [15G]
Purchase the old dock and collect all nuclear waste.


Before you can begin collecting the 30 Nuclear Waste collectibles, you will need to buy the Sonar Collections Dock - located in Blaine County - for $250,000. This property can be purchased by any of the three characters and will only be available after completing the "The Merryweather Heist" story mission.

In order to pick up the nuclear waste, which is scattered around the ocean floor, you need to use the yellow submarine that always spawns at the docks of this property. Buying the docks will also give you a new app called "Trackify," which will automatically turn on when entering the submarine as it provides a sonar radar that points to the nearest collectible. The order of collectibles in the video below matches with the order of the Trackify app. The app will not mark any of the waste on your in-game world map and sometimes, a piece of waste is extremely far away on a different part of the coast; so be sure to follow the video to a tee. The submarine is also VERY slow, so if you're trying to collect all the nuclear waste in one run, it will take around two hours.

Fortunately, collecting all the nuclear waste will help uncover the ocean on your map if it is not already cleared up. In addition to this, you will earn $23,000 per piece of nuclear waste you find if you collect them with the character who purchased the Docks, and an additional $250,000 bonus after finding the last piece of waste.



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