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FEAR Files Take a Message 15G Achievement

Tutorial Name: FEAR Files Take a Message 15G Achievement  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: Cokes

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Answered all the phones in the Extraction Point campaign.

Interval 01 - Contamination
1. (Reflex 1) Its outside the church with dead soldiers standing outside. Check to the right of the entrance in a dark alley, next to a crashed fuel truck. You can see the boosters yellow glow at the end.

Metastasis, Part 1:
2. (Health 1, 105) Drop down at the beginning of the level and smash the upright box with Property of Armacham Inc on the outside for the booster inside.

3. (Health 2, 110) You enter a library with grenades on the long table in front of you. Look right and you can see the blue glow on a shelf.

Metastasis, Part 2: None

Interval 02 - Flight
Ambush, Part 1:
4. (Health 3, 115) Once in the garage at the start of the level, go up the ramp and through the door on the right. Look behind the crate on the far side of the room next to a dead, bloody body.

Phone #1: In the office adjacent to the previous booster Its me. I cant make lunch

5. (Reflex 2) Go straight through the garage door that little Alma opens for you. Jump on the trailer in front of you and look behind the red grenade boxes at the far end.

6. (Reflex 3) Head up some stairs from a loading area into a break room with one red (Coldsnapp) and one green (Zapp Burst) soda machine. Go up the stairs next to these soda machines into a dark kitchen and look to your right.

Ambush, Part 2:
Phone #2: After you destroy your first wall turret, enter the room on the left and its to your immediate leftIm waiting for you (whisper).

7. (Health 4, 120) In the back of an armored truck (with turrets and medical kits) in the area where youll make a stand against a large number of enemies.

Phone #3: After you meet up with Holiday, youll see it and hear it ringing on a desk in a dark warehouse Scrrreeaammm!

Holiday: None

Desolation, Part 1: None

Desolation, Part 2:
8. (Reflex 4) After you destroy the power mech, jump over a stack of boxes to walk along the right fence line to the end.

Interval 03 - Descent
Terminus, Part 1: None

Terminus, Part 2:
9. (Health 5, 125) After the little Alma pops a soldier cut scene climb down the ladder in the next room. Look on a shelf in the opposite corner for the blue glow.

Orange Line, Part 1: None

Orange Line, Part 2:
10. (Health 6, 130) Fall through a grate in the floor. Then smash the box nearest to you.

11. (Health 7, 135) You come through some double doors and see a body fly from above with enemies chatting on the balcony. Check the workbench to the right.

The L, Part 1:
12. (Health 8, 140) Face and turn the valve to raise the water. Turn around and look in the corner behind the pipes/generator, on top of a barrel.

13. (Reflex 5) Youll pass a repeating cannon next to a ladder. Descend the ladder and in the next room with dark green water below, look down from the catwalk to the back right corner for the green glow. Use the ladder to get down and back up.

The L, Part 2:
14. (Health 9, 145) You arrive above the subway with enemies below and one on top of the left subway car. Look in the right subway car.

15. (Reflex 6) Next to Health 9.

Interval 04 - Malice
Leviathan, Part 1: None

Leviathan, Part 2:
Phone #4: At the very start on the desk to your left Jon, Whats happening?...

Phone #5: After the man ghost (not young Alma) says, Hurry! look in the room to the left of where he was standing before going through the double doors. Its on the desk Jenny, Its Jon. Stay where you are

Phone # 6: Cross the last center gap in the high room. Check the desk cubicles where enemies attack you at your level and above you on the balcony Hi sweetheart, I-Im just checking in.

Interval 05 - Extraction Point
Malignancy, Part 1:
16. (Health 10, 150) Climb the ladder up in the elevator shaft to find a booster, armor and minigun.

Malignancy, Part 2:
17. (Reflex 7) (see note). Look in room 56B and carefully open the orange hazard container on the left for the booster inside. Dont shoot the booster. (This room is across the hall from a room where a body is yanked up through the ceiling and a vent you must enter.)
Note: Check all unlocked patient rooms for the orange containers. I only found one booster in these rooms and still unlocked the achievement. Other players claim there are more boosters, so be thorough in your search here.

18. (Relfex 8) After you come to a stock room with medkits, guns and grenades, go into the next room. A red-eye ghost will attack from the right. In this room check the dark corner for a biohazard container on the floor. Walk up to it and see your reflex meter grow.

19. (Health 11, 155) You fight two heavy troopers and then another minigun. Check the desk on the left when you enter the doors that were opened by the trooper with the minigun.

Dark Heart:
20. (Reflex 8) On your way out, after you see the Alma spirits walk to the blue flame, youll see the yellow booster in front of a cart in plain site.
-Achievements unlock after the credits start to roll.


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