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Max Payne 3: Payne in the Ass Achievement

Tutorial Name: Max Payne 3: Payne in the Ass Achievement  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: Thespian

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Views: 999

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Payne In The Ass 20G
Story Complete [HARDCORE]

Hard, Old School and Hardcore paythroughs all must be done with [FREE AIM] on. If you change aim assist at any point during a playthrough you will NOT get the achievement.

This difficulty will be very hard for those not experienced with Max Payne titles, you will die very quickly and easily. It will only take a few shots for an enemy to kill you so you will need to constantly be in/behind cover.

Here are a few tips to help you in this playthrough:

    Cover is very important this time round, if you run in guns blazing you will without a doubt be killed. You can take cover behind nearly anything so be sure to use and objects to your advantage.
    Bullet time will come in handy, you will find yourself using it a lot more on this playthough than the others. Don't waste it if you have made your kill/s then tap RB But again to exit bullet time, its to valuable to waste and isn't as easy to get.
    Headshots will be the quickest and most effective way to kill your enemies, especially when there are multiple enemies around headshots will be your key out of a sticky situation.
    Take your time, if you rush in this game mode you will have no chance of finishing it. Don't aim to finish the level but aim to reach the next checkpoint.
    Note: Remember, you must do all the playthroughs with [FREE AIM] on or the achievements will NOT unlock.


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