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LA Noire: Magpie Achievement

Tutorial Name: LA Noire: Magpie Achievement  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: Thespian

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Comments: 1

Views: 922

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


Magpie 80G
Find and inspect 95% of all clues.

Cases: Every case from Traffic, Homicide, AD Vice or Arson.
Street Crimes: None

When you get to a crime scene and/or a suspect's house, make sure you listen out for the chime and your controller vibrating. Both of these things indicate when you're near a clue! Make sure you search the scene thoroughly to make sure you have got all necessary clues to the case. As soon as the music stops playing, that means you've found all valuable clues in that area!

When you've completed the case and the rating screen pops up, it'll show you how many clues you've found (out of a total). If this is short don't worry for now. Just carry on playing the game and make sure you try and collect the rest in the other cases. You do not have to get every single clue in every single case but you must get the majority of them so that your clue percentage does not drop below 95% (guess work). If this hasn't unlocked by the time you complete the last case ('A Different Type of War') then you'll have to go back to each case you didn't get some clues on and complete them again. So take note of these cases.


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I hate this achievement. I've tried to beat this game three times now and still can't manage to get this one. I always get to 35 of those side cases and can never go further.