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Bee Movie Game - Flawless Buzz Battle 4

Tutorial Name: Bee Movie Game - Flawless Buzz Battle 4  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: 1989

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Flawless Buzz Battle 4

Defeat Montgomery without taking any damage in Chapter 11

First things first this is on mission 11.1. You have to battle Montgomery. First things I recommend doing is hitting the three switches to activate the fans. They're the green exclamation marks on your map. One's on the left side of the front-left audience bench, one's on the right side of the front-right audience bench, and the third's on the right side of the witness stand if you're facing the judge's seat.

Once all three are activated fly into their winds and each will have a 4 or 5 button combo which'll result in Montgomery's spray going into his own face. Once you do all three you'll active a cut scene where you and your bee friends get into a group to fight Montgomery.

From here use the square strafe method I explained in the Ken fight to avoid the spray. When he's annoyed lock onto his face ad annoy him, this is easily the hardest part of the fight. I'm not sure how you avoid getting hit when annoying him, just keep trying.

Once the bar's full you'll get a 7 button sequence and bam, you're done.

Do all that with avoiding being sprayed or hit and the achievement's yours.


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