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Mw3 - Kill Confirmed Boosting Method

Tutorial Name: Mw3 - Kill Confirmed Boosting Method  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: Matt

Date Added:

Comments: 3

Views: 5,854

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


This is a tutorial on how to boost in Kill Confirmed. You don't get too much XP, but it's still XP

What you'll need:

  • 2 people
  • Silenced sniper for one person
  • Tactical insertions
  • Assassin perk
  • Not needed, but double xp is always good too

Step 1: You and your friend need to decide who's going to get the XP first.

Step 2: Find a good spot where nobody would think to look in any map.

Step 3: The person getting the XP needs to put down the tactical insertion and have your friend kill you by getting a headshot - your friend will also be getting some XP for getting the headshots

Step 4: When the person spawning back comes alive again, he will then receive his tags that he dropped (250 XP or 500 XP if 2xp activated)

Step 5: Repeat and take turns so it's even

The person getting the head shots can and will likely receive the M.O.A.B hidden killstreak... which gives more XP. It's a pretty good way to boost if you think about it.


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"Mw3 - Kill Confirmed Boosting Method" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3 comments

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Kramatic And then you'll get reset.

This is a really easy detectable way to boost.
it just sounds way too easy .... nothing good can come from cheating best way to get more xp is go prone get kills and try not to die!


I would also like to add in that you should appear offline and turn off your game recording.


And then you'll get reset.

This is a really easy detectable way to boost.