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Apache Ant Tutorial - Creating JAR files
Tutorial Name: Apache Ant Tutorial - Creating JAR files
Category: PC Tutorials
Submitted By: hoot
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The next logical step after compiling your java source files, is to build the java archive, i.e., the JAR file. Creating JAR files with Ant is quite easy with the jar task. The commonly used attributes of the jar task are as follows
The base directory for the output JAR file. By default, this is set to the base directory of the project.
Advises Ant to compress the file as it creates the JAR file.
While the compress attribute is applicable to the individual files, the keepcompression attribute does the same thing, but it applies to the entire archive.
The name of the output JAR file.
Advises Ant on what to do when duplicate files are found. You could add, preserve, or fail the duplicate files.
Advises Ant to not include these comma separated list of files in the package.
Same as above, except the exclude files are specified using a pattern.
Inverse of excludes.
Inverse of excludesfile.
Advises Ant to overwrite files in the already built JAR file.
Continuing our Hello World Fax Application project, let us add a new target to produce the jar files. But before that, let us consider the jar task given below.
<jar destfile = "${web.dir}/lib/util.jar"
basedir = "${build.dir}/classes"
includes = "faxapp/util/**"
excludes = "**/Test.class" />
Here, the web.dir property points to the path of the web source files. In our case, this is where the util.jar will be placed.
The build.dir property in this example points to the build folder where the class files for the util.jar can be found.
In this example, we create a jar file called util.jar using the classes from the faxapp.util.* package. However, we are excluding the classes that end with the name Test. The output jar file will be placed in the web application lib folder.
If we want to make the util.jar an executable jar file we need to add the manifest with the Main-Class meta attribute.
Therefore, the above example will be updated as
<jar destfile = "${web.dir}/lib/util.jar"
basedir = "${build.dir}/classes"
includes = "faxapp/util/**"
excludes = "**/Test.class">
<attribute name = "Main-Class" value = "com.tutorialspoint.util.FaxUtil"/>
To execute the jar task, wrap it inside a target, most commonly, the build or package target, and execute them.
target name = "build-jar">
<jar destfile = "${web.dir}/lib/util.jar"
basedir = "${build.dir}/classes"
includes = "faxapp/util/**"
excludes = "**/Test.class">
<attribute name = "Main-Class" value = "com.tutorialspoint.util.FaxUtil"/>
Running Ant on this file creates the util.jar file for us.
The following outcome is the result of running the Ant file
C:\>ant build-jar
Buildfile: C:\build.xml
Total time: 1.3 seconds
The util.jar file is now placed in the output folder.
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