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Tutorial Tuesday! #1

Tutorial Name: Tutorial Tuesday! #1  

Category: PC Tutorials

Submitted By: Wilez

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Comments: 2

Views: 1,605

Related Forum: PC Building Forum


Yo TTG Whats up?
im starting a series of photoshop Detailed Text tutorials over the next couple of months, if it goes well, i may consider making it a regular thing
i plan to add between 1-5 tutorials every Tuesday if possible, obviously this may not be possible every Tuesday as i have school etc.. but i will try my best
So Here we go...
I Take no Credit for the images as they are NOT mine
Typography Wallpaper:(Difficulty Rating=2)
Step 1:

Start By Creating a New Document at your desired size(preferably Your desktop resoloution)
Import all your desired vectors separately into a Photoshop canvas. In this case i divided My vectors into 3 separate smart objects and dragged them into the Photoshop canvas.
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Step 2:

Hide all vectors and create a new text box. In this case I typed "Creative Volition Inc.". Keep your font in full caps and Continue to copy/paste your text across the text box.
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Step 3:

Highlight all your text and use these settings:
Text settings: 16pt font, Regular, 16pt height spacing, Color #404040.
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Step 4:

Continue to copy/paste the text until it fills the entire canvas. Stretch the box out using the text tool until it expands beyond the canvas size.
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Step 5:

Once the text box is filled completely with the copy begin to rotate the box clockwise in about a 45 degree angle.
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Step 6:

Make one of the smart objects visible. Command/Apple-Ctrl/windows click the Thumbnail on the layer panel to create marching ants around your object.
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Step 7:

Once the marching ants appear, hide your smart object so you can see the selection.
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Step 8:

Rasterize the type layer and with the marching ants active on your rasterized layer click Edit > Cut.
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Step 9:

Then click Edit > Paste and align your new layer so all the words connect. Open the Layer Style box and change the "Color Overlay" to white.
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Step 10:

Continue to do the same procedure with your other smart object layers but make sure to always cut from the rasterized layer.
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Step 11:

Lastly create a new layer and fill it with any color. Place this layer on top of all other layers. Drop the fill down to 0%. Open the Layer Styles box and change the inner glow to the following settings and click OK.
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There You go, You should have something like this:
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"Tutorial Tuesday! #1" :: Login/Create an Account :: 2 comments

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Pretty good for a copy paste... http://abduzeedo.com/reader-tutorial-typography-wallpaper-photoshop


I have a easier method of doing this but it is not nearly as flexible, very well done.