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Bioshock Achievement Guide Part1

Tutorial Name: Bioshock Achievement Guide Part1  

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Bought a Slot 5G
Buy one Plasmid or Tonic Slot at a Gatherer's Garden.
See Max Plasmid Slots
Max Plasmid Slots 10G
Fully upgrade to the maximum number of Plasmid Slots.
As you earn ADAM you will be able to buy upgrades and slots through a Gatherer's Garden. Once you progress and earn more ADAM, you will be able to upgrade your plasmids and buy new slots. The last slot is unmissable as it's a story related requirement.
Upgraded a Weapon 10G
Upgrade any weapon at a Power to the People Station.
You will need to find and use one of the "Power to the People" upgrade stations to add to your current weapon of choice. There are several located around Rapture, just walk up to one and press the A to interact and select the weapon upgrade you want.

See All Weapon Upgrades
Fully Upgraded a Weapon 10G
Install the third and final upgrade to any of your weapons.
See All Weapon Upgrades
All Weapon Upgrades 20G
Find all 14 Power to the People weapon upgrades in the game.
There are 14 stations located throughout the game. You will need to apply the various upgrades to all your weapons for this achievement. You can only apply one upgrade to a weapon at each station so you will need to find all 14 of them. Make sure you check all corners of each area as they are rather easy to miss.

Audio Diary/Power to the People Upgrade Station Guide

Power to the People Stations
0 - Adonis Luxury Resort
0 - Atlantic Express Depot
2 - Ryan Amusements
3 - Pauper's Drop
2 - Siren Alley
2 - Dionysus Park
2 - Fontaine Futuristics
1 - Persephone
2 - Inner Persephone
There are three upgrade levels for each gun, lower level upgrades must be applied before you add the final upgrade.

Double-Barreled Shotgun
Increased Clip Size
Damage Increase
Electrified Shells
Side Augers
Lubricating Nozzle
Reflector Plate
Gatling Gun
Damage Increase
Recoil Reduction
Bouncing Bullets
Augmented Capacity
Splash Damage Immunity
Cluster Bombs
Rivet Gun
Increased Clip Size
Damage Increase
Heated Rivets
Spear Gun
Faster Mechanics
Speed Upgrade
Prolific Hacker 20G
Successfully hack at least one of every type of machine.
See Master Hacker
Master Hacker 20G
Hack 30 machines at a distance with the Hack Tool.
The hack tool can be quite useful if you need to hack a turret or security camera without being detected. You can also use it to hack and lower prices on vending machines. You will find the hack tool early on so start hacking when you're able to.

Once you start hacking a meter will pop up on the screen with a needle which bobs back and forth, press A on the green or blue areas to progress in the hacking. If you hit the blue lines you will be rewarded, green lines will progress and blank spaces will shock you.

There are eight machines which need to be hacked:
Circus of Value
Door Locks
El Ammo Bandito
First Aid stations
Security Bots
Security Cameras
Security Turrets
First Research 5G
Research a Splicer with the Research Camera.
See Research Master
One Research Track 20G
Max out one Research Track.
See Research Master
Research Master 20G
Max out research on all 9 research subjects.
Once you acquire the camera you will be able to research your enemies. Doing this will earn extra skills to use against your enemies. There are four research levels for each enemy. Use multiple weapons and Plasmids together so your score meter goes up. If you keep using the same combination to kill the same type of enemy your score will not be as great.

Big Daddy/Sister
Big Daddy - Alpha Series
Big Daddies - Bouncer - Rosie - Rumbler
Big Sister
Brute Splicer
Houdini Splicer
Leadhead Splicer
Spider Splicers
Thuggish Splicer*
Security Bots - Security Cameras - Turrets
*Once you find the camera start researching straight away. Thuggish Splicers don't appear in the later levels so make sure you research them before you leave Pauper's Drop.

Researchers Handbook

This guide will provide all the locations and all the basic information you need to know about researching.

Note: You can keep track of your research by pressing START and viewing the research tab. Doing this will help you keep track of what research you have done, and what research you need to do.
Grand Daddy 25G
Defeat 3 Big Daddies without dying during the fight.
If you're starting out on easy this shouldn't be an issue. You need to fight three Big Daddies without dying. You can use Security Bots, Turrets or hypnotize Splicers to help you take down a Big Daddy. Once you have taken down one Big Daddy save your game and move onto the next. If you are playing with the Vita Chambers off you shouldn't have to worry about re-spawning by mistake.

If you are attempting this on hard you may have a tough time taking down a single Big Daddy. Make sure you have plenty of Health and EVE, using Winter Blast with the Drill seems to be the most effective way to kill a Big Daddy. Continuously freeze him while you attack.
Master Gatherer 30G
Gather 600 ADAM with Little Sisters.
Once you adopt a Little Sister you can set her down next to glowing bodies to collect ADAM. A Little Sister can gather 40 ADAM from each body or 60 ADAM using the "Proud Parent" tonic.

Basic Gathering
As you start out you will need to harvest two bodies with each sister until you earn the "Proud Parent" Tonic.

8 Sisters with 2 bodies = 80 ADAM, 80x8=640

Proud Parent Tonic
You will be rewarded with this tonic after saving four Little Sisters. This will allow you to collect 60 ADAM per body rather than the previous 40 ADAM. If you harvest your sisters after gathering you may miss out on this tonic.

5 Sisters with 2 bodies = 120 ADAM, 120 x5 = 600

Depending on if you use the tonic or not you will earn this achievement either before or around Dionysus Park.

You can either use your map to find the ADAM or you can hold down the X for a second and a trail will appear. This will lead to you the bodies that can be harvested.

Note: Saving/Harvesting a Little Sister does not count as a gather. Make sure you gather with each sister twice to avoid missing out on this achievement.
Fully Upgraded a Plasmid 10G
Fully upgrade one of your Plasmids to the level 3 version at a Gatherer's Garden.
Each Plasmid has three levels which can be bought form a Gatherer's Garden or found. You can't backtrack so make sure that you collect as many Plasmids as possible. Buy any of these level three upgrades and the achievement will unlock.
All Plasmids 20
Find or purchase all 11 basic Plasmid types.
It's fairly hard to miss a Plasmid bottle because they are brightly coloured. You will either be given them as a gift or have to buy them from a Gatherer's Garden. You only need to own one level for each Plasmid, buying all three levels of a single Plasmid will not count for this achievement.

These are the earliest known locations to find each Plasmid. You can buy or find them in later levels also.
Cyclone Trap (Bought, Pauper's Drop)
Decoy (Bought, Pauper's Drop)
Electro Bolt (Gift, Adonis Luxury Resort)
Hypnotize (Gift, Pauper's Drop)
Incinerate! (Bought, Ryan Amusements)
Insect Swarm (Bought, Siren Alley)
Scout (Bought, Siren Alley)
Security Command (Gift, Siren Alley)
Summon Eleanor (Gift, Persephone)
Telekinesis (Gift, Atlantic Express Depot)
Winter Blast (Bought, Pauper's Drop)
Trap Master 15G
Kill 30 enemies using only Traps.
This may sound quite time consuming but can be done with an alternative ammo for the rivet gun. Early on you will will find Trap Rivets for your gun. Press with the Rivet Gun selected to equip this ammo type, once selected you can either fire them directly at your enemies or set traps.

If you want to take the more creative approach you can mix your Plasmids to form traps. Mixing Cyclone with Incinerate/Elctro Bolt also works rather effectively.
Master Protector 15G

Get through a Gather with no damage and no one getting to the Little Sister.
This maybe be a little difficult until you find the right spot. While making your way through Ryan Amusements and enter "Journey to the Surface", you will have to harvest ADAM from a body in a open room. You can hack the turret and place Rivet Traps on the floor and around the doorways. Once you have everything setup, place the sister down to collect ADAM. You can now back up into the corner and pick off splicers as they flood the room.

As long as you watch out for any splicers with guns and let the turret do all the work you should earn this without any issues.

Big Spender 15G
Spend 2000 dollars at Vending Machines.
This should come with natural progression in the game, loot anything and everything to find useful items. Half of what you loot will be money, once you find a vending machine either buy ammo, health or anything else you need. Just keep repeating this process until you have spent over 2000 dollars on vending machine items.
Dealt with Every Little Sister 50
Either Harvest or Save every Little Sister in the game.
You will encounter the Little Sisters who will help you through the game, if you let them. Decide which route you want to take and stick to it. Saving every Little Sister will be more rewarding but Harvesting will gain you more ADAM.

If you decide to Harvest the sisters you will miss out on the Savior and Master Gatherer achievements. You will be given three options with the Little Sisters you encounter, Adopt, Harvest and Save. Adopting will allow you to harvest bodies for ADAM which will go towards Master Gatherer. Once you are finished gathering with your current Little Sister, take her to a vent and save her. You can gather two bodies with one Little Sister. You won't be rewarded so well in the beginning, but using a Little Sister effectively will reward you in the long run.

You can keep track of how many Little Sisters you need to save by pressing START , and viewing the stats at the bottom of the pause menu.
0 - Adonis Luxury Resort
0 - Atlantic Express Depot
1 - Ryan Amusements
2 - Pauper's Drop
3 - Siren Alley
3 - Dionysus Park
3 - Fontaine Futuristics
0 - Persephone
0 - Inner Persephone
Note: Do not leave an area and progreed to the next without gathering and dealing with the sisters. If you do so you won't be able to return. Gathering does not count towards dealing with each sister. You must either Save or Harvest all the sisters for this achievement.
Against All Odds 30G
Finish the game on the hardest difficulty level.
Finishing the game on the hardest difficulty may be easier for some than others. If you are a fairly experienced with First Person Shooting games you shouldn't have too many issues, but here are a few tips:
Take cover
Use first aid sooner rather than later
Don't be brave, run away if you are overwhelmed
Use Vita Chambers (unless you are going for "Big Brass Balls")
Big Brass Balls 25G
Finish the game without using Vita-Chambers.
If you have played the first Bioshock you may have attempted this achievement. Unlike the first you can complete the game on any difficulty but you must not use the Vita-Chambers. Start on easy or normal and make your way through the game.

Take your time and avoid as much unnecessary conflict as possible. If you are overwhelmed either take cover or run away and use your health kits when needed.

Note: Once you start the game you can turn the Vita-Chambers off through the option menu. Doing this will stop you from making a mistake and using the chambers. Make sure you save on a regular basis.
Rapture Historian 40G
Find 100 audio diaries.
You will find audio diaries through each section of Rapture. They provide a lot of back story and depth to characters that you might run into while exploring. Make sure to check every room you enter for these diaries.

There are 128 audio diaries throughout Rapture so missing a few isn't an issue, but don't just ignore them. You won't be able to come back and collect them once you move onto the next level.

Audio Diary/Power to the People Upgrade Station Guide
Unnatural Selection 10G
Score your first kill in a non-private match.
This must be done in a Ranked Match.

You should be able to score at least one kill in any match you take part in. If you are having difficulty taking down other players use your Plasmids while shooting.
Welcome to Rapture 10G
Complete your first non-private match.
Load up any ranked game and play through to the end. Once the game is over and you have completed the full match the achievement will unlock. If your host quits or you are disconnected you won't be rewarded for completing the level.
Disgusting Frankenstein 10G
Become a Big Daddy for the first time in a non-private match.
This must be done in a Ranked Match.

While running around the areas of Rapture you will see an announcement at the bottom of the screen. "A Big Daddy suit has spawned near your location", make your way to the suit if you know where it is and press A to wear it.

Normally this turns into a mad scramble between players to get the suit. If you do see the suit laying on the ground grab it before someone else does.

You can use any game mode other than Capture the Sister as players will spawn as the Big Daddy.
From XBox360Achivements.org PART2 Soon


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