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How to Mod Achievements on XBox 360 [New and Updated]

Tutorial Name: How to Mod Achievements on XBox 360 [New and Updated]  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: iHc

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Comments: 5

Views: 14,674

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


This tutorial was written 03/08/2012 if its a much later date than that, its probably a good idea to NOT DO IT. Microsoft does update from time to time.

This tutorial is on how to hack your profile (mod/modify) to have new achievements unlocked, using a free Profile Editor. The author of this editor is v3n3, he deserves a huge amount of thanks, without his app, there would be no tutorial. It is short and sweet since its mostly self explanatory, I just noticed that there was a very outdated tutorial still up and decided to go ahead and make a new tutorial with a current and up to date free mod tool.

Things you will need:
- ExProfileEditor
- An internet connection

Before we start, have your profile loaded to a USB thumb drive, or your Harddrive, and hook it up to your PC. The ExProfileEditor does include a FATX explorer, so you can open up your device right there in the tool. You may also want to just hit save, and throw a copy of your profile on the desktop, just in case you screw anything up while modding your gamerscore/profile. To get that back on the device, open the desktop location of your profile rather than the FATX, and hit save to FATX device, overwriting the modified version. You CANNOT undo changes once it is uploaded to XBox Live.

1. Click updater.exe and make sure your copy of the tool is up to date.

2. Open your profile in the mod tool.

3. To the right, you'll see where it says 'Games' and will have a list of all of your games. Click on the game you want to mod achievements from.

4. Now you'll see under achievements, it will have all the achievments listed. THis is where you want to use your brain. Don't go unlocking everything/a ton of them at once. You WILL get caught that way.
- Green = Achievments list
- Blue Achievement details, with the unlocked, or locked button. (Set to Unlocked to unlock the achievement)
- Red = Set the time, date, and whether you unlocked it offline or offline. Then hit SET to set it. You also WANT to click the 'Download Pictures' button. It will download the Picture for that acheivement, and attatch it to your profile. One thing that they watch for to catch achievement hackers, is when you sign in and your profile downloads multiple achievement pictures, when it should have them already if legitly unlocked.
- Purple = Last time the game was played. You want to make sure its set to when your unlocking these achievements. That way, it doesn't look like you unlocked an acievement, without playing the game.

5. When you are done, hit save, either to FATX, or to the local file.

Now that you know how to use this tool to hack your achievements, realize a few things.
- Hacking multiple achievementsat once will make you noticable and likely banned.
- You can change other settings of your profile, but changing things like avatar color, putting bad things in your motto, ect. Will get you a bonerhammer from Microsoft.
- If your Achievements don't update right a away give it time, it will eventually. If not, recover your profile and try again.


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"How to Mod Achievements on XBox 360 [New and Updated]" :: Login/Create an Account :: 5 comments

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happymod20 you cant get banned if you mod gamerscore like 350000 coz i have over 350000 mod gamerscore if you want to know how to not get banned you need to make a account for xbox you must not get gold for your account modded gamerscore what ever you want then you need recover then wait for 1 week them put gold in your account and play online
trust it will work i can proof it to you my gamertag mw3 x360a

this time i am trying to mod 600000g

Hey bro a question: i tried to do it 2 years ago but exprofileeditor wasnt able to save accounts with more than 200.000gs cuz it was too big. What about that now? Could u do a offline account for me thats huge like 2.000.000 gs? Plz reply to [email protected]


if u mod a profile you like not loging into a banned profile then u don't get banned from xbox live you can just make and use a new gamertag profile


you cant get banned if you mod gamerscore like 350000 coz i have over 350000 mod gamerscore if you want to know how to not get banned you need to make a account for xbox you must not get gold for your account modded gamerscore what ever you want then you need recover then wait for 1 week them put gold in your account and play online
trust it will work i can proof it to you my gamertag mw3 x360a

this time i am trying to mod 600000g




Hey thanks for posting the downloads man.