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[Guide][MW2][TU7]How to Mod .DLL Files (ihc.DLL)
Tutorial Name: [Guide][MW2][TU7]How to Mod .DLL Files (ihc.DLL)
Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials
Submitted By: XeXenon
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Comments: 16
Views: 25,112
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Here's a quick little guide to help you edit/mod any .dll file for use with Modern Warfare 2. This method will work with the 7th Title Update. Though .DLL File modding you can infect your retail Xbox with these mods and carry them online. All Infections from TU6 still work (with the exception binds (infectable mod menus)). There will be a list of confirmed working DVARs below. I will try my best to keep this guide up-to-date, if there is anything you'd like added or if theres faulty information in the guide please feel free to PM me. If you have any questions please feel free to PM me and I'll try to help you out.
Here's a quick little guide to help you edit/mod any .dll file for use with Modern Warfare 2. This method will work with the 7th Title Update. Though .DLL File modding you can infect your retail Xbox with these mods and carry them online. All Infections from TU6 still work (with the exception binds (infectable mod menus)). There will be a list of confirmed working DVARs below. I will try my best to keep this guide up-to-date, if there is anything you'd like added or if theres faulty information in the guide please feel free to PM me. If you have any questions please feel free to PM me and I'll try to help you out.
How to Edit/Mod the ihc.DLL File:
If you wish to mod a different .DLL File just replace all "ihc.dll" codes with your .DLL Files name.
Example: For decrypting a different .DLL File.
File: alterIW4.Main.dll
Example: For decrypting a different .DLL File.
File: alterIW4.Main.dll
xextool -e d -c b -o ihc-decompress.xex alterIW4.Main.dll.xex
- Download XeXTool, then Extract the contents of the XeXtool.rar into a Folder.
- Take your ihc.dll & Default_mp.xex/Default_mp_Launcher.xex and copy paste it into the XeXTool Folder. Once in the folder rename the File and add ".xex" to the end. It should look like "ihc.dll.xex"
- Right click on the Folder and select "open command window here".
NOTE: If you are running Windows XP you will need to download & install this:
[ Register or Signin to view external links. ] - It will open a Command Prompt. Copy paste this code into the Prompt:
xextool -e d -c b -o ihc-decompress.xex ihc.dll.xex
- You should now have a file called "ihc-decompress.xex". Open the new file in your Hex Editor, press CTRL+F and search for "^5Made ^6by ^9iHc James!". Below that you should see all the DVARs, now edit/add to your hearts content .
(Just remember that you can only go up to "..c "^2Infections ^5Complete"". And you cannot Paste Insert, it must be Paste Write or else you will increase the File size and corrupt the file.) - Once you are finished editing/adding DVARs Save and Exit out of your Hex Editor.
- Right Click on your folder again (the one with XeXTool) and click "open command window here". Once the Command Prompt Copy Paste this:
xextool -e e -c c -o ihc.dll.xex ihc-decompress.xex
- Once that's complete go into your Folder and rename the "ihc.dll.xex" back to "ihc.dll".
- Now Copy Paste your ihc.dll & Default_mp.xex/Default_mp_Launcher.xex back into your MW2 Root Folder. Then just load up Default_mp_Launcher.xex on your JTAG/RGH/Dev Kit and infect yourself.
How to Infect Yourself:
Materials needed:
- JTAG/RGH/Dev Kit.
- Retail xbox 360
- Modded .DLL File & Modded Default_mp.xex/Default_mp_Launcher.xex
- Once you have Copy & Pasted your files into your MW2 Game Root Folder, than you need to start up your JTAG/RGH/Dev. Kit.
- Go into XeXMenu and go to you MW2 Game Root Folder.
- Scroll down to your Default_mp.xex/Default_mp_Launcher.xex File and launch it.
- Go to System Link --> Create Match. Then Start the game.
- Now start up your retail, take a Ethernet Cord and connect your Retail and JTAG/RGH/Dev. Kit to each other.
- On your retail join your JTAG/RGH/Dev. Kit's Match.
- Press the Back Button on your JTAG/RGH/Dev. Kits Controller, text should show up on the screen.
- Once infection is completely back out on your retail and go into private match, Invite your friends and start the game.
- It should end 5 mins. after the countdown is finished.
- Now you should have been forced into a Public FFA Match.
Working TU7 DVARs:
Here's a list of working TU7 Infectable DVARs. if there are faulty DVARs (DVARs that don't stick or work at all) please PM me and I will update it immediately.
- Infectable XP (instant lvl 70):
scr_game_suicidepointloss "1"
scr_arena_score_suicide "2516000" //Arena Gametype XP
scr_ctf_score_suicide "2516000" //Capture the Flag Gametype XP
scr_dd_score_suicide "2516000"
scr_dm_score_suicide "2516000" //Death Match Gametype XP
scr_dom_score_suicide "2516000" //Domination Gametype XP
scr_gtnw_score_suicide "2516000" //Global ThermoNuclear War Gametype XP
scr_koth_score_suicide "2516000" //King of the Hill Gametype XP
scr_oneflag_score_suicide "2516000" //One Flag Gametype XP
scr_sab_score_suicide "2516000" //Sabotage Gametype XP
scr_sd_score_suicide "2516000" //Search and Destroy Gametype XP
scr_vip_score_suicide "2516000" //V.I.P. Gametype XP
scr_war_score_suicide "2516000" //War Gametype XP - Force Host:
party_iamhost 1
party_connectToOthers 0
party_hostmigration 0 - Perk Mods:
perk_armorPiercingDamage "999" //Super FMJ
perk_blastShield "65" //Super Blast Shield Health
perk_bulletDamage "999" //1 Shot 1 Kill (Stopping Power)
perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier "2"
perk_extendedMagsMGAmmo "99" //Super Ammo Clip
perk_extendedMagsPistolAmmo "99" //Super Ammo Clip
perk_extendedMagsRifleAmmo "99" //Super Ammo Clip
perk_extendedMagsSMGAmmo "99" //Super Ammo Clip
perk_extendedMagsSpreadAmmo "99" //Super Ammo Clip
perk_extendedMeleeRange "9999" //Super Knife Range
perk_extraBreath "99" //Unlimited Hold Breath
perk_explosiveDamage "999" //Super Danger Close
perk_fastSnipeScale "9" //Instant Zoom-in
perk_grenadeDeath "remotemissile_projectile_mp" //Super Martyrdom
perk_improvedExtraBreath "99" //Unlimited Hold Breath
perk_lightWeightViewBobScale "0.0001" //No Friction
perk_quickDrawSpeedScale "99" //Instant Zoom-in
perk_scavengerMode "1" //Enable Scavenger
perk_sprintMultiplier "9" //Super Sprint
perk_sprintRecoveryMultiplierActual "0.0001" //Faster Sprint Recovery
perk_sprintRecoveryMultiplierVisual "0.0001" //Faster Sprint Recovery
perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.0001" //Super Rapid Fire
perk_weapReloadMultiplier "0.0001" //Super Slight of Hand
perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.0001" //Super Steady Aim - Hidden Gametypes/Maps:
g_gametype "Arena" //Arena Gametype
g_gametype "GTNW" //Global ThermoNuclear War Gametype
g_gametype "OneFlag" //One Flag Gametype
g_gametype "VIP" //V.I.P. Gametype (PC Only)
g_mapname "Shipment_mp" //Shipment from CoD4 (You CANNOT actually play the map)
g_mapname "" (You CANNOT actually play the map)
g_mapname "" (You CANNOT actually play the map)
g_mapname "" (You CANNOT actually play the map)
- Enhanced UAV
compassSize 1.4 //Larger UAV
compassRadarPingFadeTime 9999
compassSoundPingFadeTime 9999
compassRadarLineThickness 0
compassMaxRange 9999 //Increase UAV Pick-up Range
forceuav_slowdown_debug 1
uav_debug 1
forceuav_debug 1
scr_game_forceuav 1 //Unlimited UAV
cg_footsteps 1 //Hear/See Enemy Footsteps
compassEnemyFootstepEnabled 1
compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange 99999
compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ 99999
compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed 0
compassRadarUpdateTime", 0.001
compassFastRadarUpdateTime", 2 - Nuke & Game Timers:
scr_nukeTimer 9999 //Nuke Timer
scr_arena_timelimit 9999 //Arena Gametype Time Limit
scr_ctf_timelimit 9999 //Capture the Flag Gametype Time Limit
scr_dd_timelimit 9999 // Gametype Time Limit
scr_dm_timelimit 9999 //Death Match Gametype Time Limit
scr_dom_timelimit 9999 //Domination Gametype Time Limit
scr_gtnw_timelimit 9999 //Global ThermoNuclear War Gametype Time Limit
scr_koth_timelimit 9999 //King of the Hill Gametype Time Limit
scr_oneflag_timelimit 9999 //One Flag Gametype Time Limit
scr_sab_timelimit 9999 //Sabotage Gametype Time Limit
scr_sd_timelimit 9999 //Search and Destroy Gametype Time Limit
scr_vip_timelimit 9999 //V.I.P. Gametype Time Limit
scr_war_timelimit 9999//War Gametype Time Limit - WallHack:
r_znear 57 //WallHack
r_zfar 0
r_zFeather 4
r_znear_depthhack 2
cg_drawThroughWalls 1 //See Player Names through walls
cg_enemyNameFadeOut 900000
cg_enemyNameFadeIn 0 - Text/Icon Mods:
lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor2 (RGB Color Code Goes here) //Mods 1 color of the in-game No Ammo text
lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor1 (RGB Color Code Goes here) //Mods 1 color of the in-game No Ammo text
lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor2 (RGB Color Code Goes here) //Mods 1 color of the in-game Reload text
lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor1 (RGB Color Code Goes here) //Mods 1 color of the in-game Reload text
lowAmmoWarningColor2 (RGB Color Code Goes here) //Mods 1 color of the in-game Low Ammo text
lowAmmoWarningColor1 (RGB Color Code Goes here) //Mods 1 color of the in-game Low Ammo text
g_teamname_allies (text goes here) //Change Team Name
g_teamname_axis (text goes here) //Change Team Name
g_gametype (text goes here) //Change Gametype name
g_mapname (text goes here) //Change Map Name
g_teamIcon_allies (Icon name goes here) //Change Team Icon
g_teamIcon_axis (Icon name goes here) //Change Team Icon
RGB Color:
Take RGB Color values and divide them by 100.
[b][color=red]Example:[/b][/color] Lime Green RGB Values: 50 205 50
Divide Values by 100: 0.5 2.05 5
Use in DVAR:
[code]lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor1 "0.5 2.05 5"[/code]
Test Code:
^0 = Black
^1 = Red
^2 = Lime
^3 = Yellow
^4 = Blue
^5 = Cyan
^6 = Purple
^7 = White
^8 = Grey
^9 = Grey
- Visions:
r_specularmap "2" //Chrome Vision
r_debugShader "1" //"Rainbow" Vision
r_fullbright //Cartoon Vision
cg_fovscale 80 //ProMod Vision - Hear/Talk to all:
cg_everyoneHearsEveryone 1
cg_chatWithOtherTeams 1
cg_deadChatWithTeam 1
cg_deadHearAllLiving 1
cg_deadHearTeamLiving 1
cg_drawTalk "ALL" - Misc. DVARs:
player_burstFireCooldown 0.0001 //Auto M16/Famas
g_meleeRange 999 //Super Knife Range
player_meleeHeight 1000
player_meleeRange 1000
player_meleeWidth 1000
missileRemoteSpeedTargetRange 9999 99999 //Fast Predator Missles
cg_drawFPS 1/2/3 //Displays FPS In-Game
g_knockback 99999 //Super Knockback
bg_fallDamageMaxHeight 9999 //No Fall Damage
bg_fallDamageMinHeight 9998
cg_drawShellshock 0 //No Flash/Stun Effects
player_MGUseRadius 99999 //Use Mounted Machine Gun from across Map.
player_useRadius 99999 //Pick up weapons from across Map.
phys_gravity -9999 //Bodies/objects float to sky
party_vetoPercentRequired 0.001 //1 Vote to Veto Map
set claname (insert text here) //Edit Clantag (4 Characters only)
- iHc James, for releasing the method. Thanks bro!
- CraigChrist8239, for useful information I gathered to make this guide.
- Teh1337, nah just kidding. You suck .
Thanks for reading, hope you found this useful :mrgreen:
Haze_Modz why does it ask for a paswoerd when i extract it or try to open it
THe Passord Is : Ihcjames
TTGVito So you can only do this with a dev kit
or can this be done with just a jtaged console
Jtag :) you can do it with a jtag/rgh as well pretty much all you need is xex menu and a way to get the file on there they can both run them
So you can only do this with a dev kit
or can this be done with just a jtaged console
or can this be done with just a jtaged console
i dont think so
its real because when i start system link
and i push back button then loads infections.
but i have a error by cmd and i dont know how to fix -_-
its real because when i start system link
and i push back button then loads infections.
but i have a error by cmd and i dont know how to fix -_-
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"[Guide][MW2][TU7]How to Mod .DLL Files (ihc.DLL)" :: Login/Create an Account :: 16 comments