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How to take apart a Xbox Live Vision Camera

Tutorial Name: How to take apart a Xbox Live Vision Camera  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: DigimonEgg

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Views: 4,331

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How to take apart the xbox 360 vision camera to install leds!

This is my first tut, so if im missing anything please let me know. Thanks. =]

Things you will need:
-Vision camera
-Solder iron
-Tech deck screwdriver fits perfect. (phillips)
-Desoldering braid
-0603 led's, 0805 should work
-Tweezers (anti-static)
-USB power source.
-Some patience and soldering skills.

This is alot harder then installing led's on a controller or rf board. So practice on other things, "And keep your tip clean"

Step 1: Take the gray peice off the front of the camera. (It will come off pretty easy)

Step 2: Once that part is off, now the front half of the camera will come out.

Step 3: Get something flat (not sharp) and put in between the 2 halfs. Just pry
both ways. Do this all the way around the camera. Until you can see the clear
plastice peice. Then pull the front peice away from the back half.

Step 4: Once that is off you will see the board in there with the black peice connected to it. Take the 2 screws out.
(look at the picture or video). Once those 2 screws are out the board will come off the back half of the camera. Pull the plug out the back of the board so you can move it freely, The black peice is still there.

Step 5: Turn the board around and there is 2 screws holding the black peice on. Take those out and remove that black part. Carefully, you dont wont to hit the lens! You will now see the 4 leds.

Modding part
Then you will see the 4 leds. (DO NOT APLY REALLY ANY PREASURE) Put some solder on ur solder iron then gently move it along the led. It will come off in a few seconds, (Removing the leds is the hardest part so be patient) once there off its easy. Have your xbox 360 on and your camera plugged in. (so you know if the leds are on the rite pads) they will light up if on the right pads. If not turn the led around. Then i unplug it and solder one led at a time. Take your time soldering them.

I hope i helped. Im not responsible if you ruin your xbox 360 vision camera.


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Dont have a clue why anyone would need to do this, but the tutorial did seem pretty straight forward, however does seem like alot of work, and im not the beat at using a soldering iron neither lol.