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How To Get A Free Controller From Microsoft

Tutorial Name: How To Get A Free Controller From Microsoft  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: Mountaineers

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Comments: 7

Views: 32,827

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


Written by meetii from Se7enSins

In this tutorial I will be showing you how to get a free xbox 360 controller from Microsoft. I cannot promise that it will work for all of you, or everytime you try, but I'm pretty sure it will work for some, if not most, of you guys. I've tried this myself twice and it's always worked.
Please do not abuse this tutorial and call Microsoft everyday to get another controller because they will find out it's fake and they will not send anyone a controller again.


A Phone
Microsoft's telephone number (varies for every country)
Your Xbox 360 Serial Number

By now I'm hoping that you have the number to Microsoft in your country and your Xbox 360 serial number written on a paper. If you haven't done this yet, please do before continuing.

STEP 1 ;; Calling Microsoft
Call Microsoft, and choose to be redirected to the Xbox section. Wait until a support staff member picks-up your call.

STEP 2 ;; What To Say
Now that you're talking to the support member you need to tell him/her what's wrong. You are going to say that your left/right stick on your controller is loose and that it doesn't let you play correctly.
After a while they will ask you for the serial number of your Xbox 360 console - give it to them. If you haven't 'linked' the console with yourself, they will do that while you're talking. This means they will take your full name, address, phone and so on - but it's not an issue.
After that, they will most probably say "Ok, we will send you a new controller to your address. We apologize for what has happened and we want to make it up to you" or something similar. This is very good news :].
.....If they ask you any other questions regarding your problem, answer them. Be polite when talking to them, it gives them reasons to send you the controller. Try not to stammer while talking to them either, it makes you sound nervous and they will know you're lying :].


That's probably it. I don't think I forgot to add anything, but I'm not 100% sure - please tell me if I missed something xD.
Anyways, hope I helped you, and hope you get an extra controller



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hahahahah this is gold xD nice tut


Wow they want me to send them a controller


Hey that actually happend to my controller so i will get a new one thx


Lol they gave me 3 Free Months of Gold instead for their inconvience XD

Thanks Man


Reterm they will just ask you to send yours in and then they will send you a brand new one

same with me!!

Same With Me!!!!1


Reterm they will just ask you to send yours in and then they will send you a brand new one

same with me!!


they will just ask you to send yours in and then they will send you a brand new one