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Photoshop - Green Text Effect

Tutorial Name: Photoshop - Green Text Effect  

Category: PC Tutorials

Submitted By: Nag

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Comments: 1

Views: 1,400

Related Forum: PC Building Forum


Step 1:
Fill the Background with a dark green gradient (you can find the Free_BG gradient in the palette provided in the Resources section above), i used the colors #39482c and #3f621c to create my Linear Gradient. Then type the text you want, I'm using the font "TAPEMAN", size (177 px), and the color #8dc63f.

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Step 2:
Double click on the text layer, and apply the following styles:

- Add a simple "Drop Shadow", using a dark green color, like #38362a.

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- Add an "Inner Shadow", using the color #496728, change the Size to (8), the "Contour" type to "Cone", and the "Noise" value to (50%), this will add the "minty" effect to the text.

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- Now, add an "Outer Glow", using the color #8dc63f, and the "Contour" type "Cone - Inverted".

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- Add "Bevel and Emboss", change the "Gloss Contour" to "Cove- Deep", the "Highlight Mode" color to #f2ffe0, and the "Shadow Mode" color to #4c7d1b.

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- Finally, add a "Gradient Overlay", change the "Blend Mode" to "Multiply", and create the gradient using the values below, or use the one in the palette above.

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Hit OK, and go back to your text layer.

Step 3:
Create a new layer above the text layer and call it "text-highlight". Press the Ctrl key and right click on the text layer icon to create a selection.

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Step 4:
Make sure you're on the "text-highlight" layer, and go to Select menu - Modify - Contract, and contract the selection by (7) pixels.

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Then go back again to the Select menu - Modify - Feather, and type in the value of (5) pixels. This will smooth the selection and make the highlight more natural.

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Step 5:
Fill the selection with the color #38362a.

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And finally, change the "Blend Mode" of the layer to "Color Dodge". This will make the text look fresh and bright.

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I wish I could use photoshop!