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How to ISO mod with a USB Flash Drive

Tutorial Name: How to ISO mod with a USB Flash Drive  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: ImxJ399

Date Added:

Comments: 25

Views: 31,592

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


-Xbox 360
-Xbox 360 HDD/USB
-Transfer Cable/USB
-Game Disk
-God2ISO & ISO2God

1. Download the programs that are required MediaFire - The leading online storage and file delivery service
2. Install a game to the HDD or USB Flash Drive
3. If you are using a HDD connect the HDD to the PC with a transfer cable, or if you are using USB then plug it in
4. Open the HDD/USB in Modio
5. Move the installed game to your computer
6. Run God2ISO and add the 44kb file to the list
7. Press go and let it make it an ISO
8. Edit the ISO
9. Close God2ISO and run ISO2God
10. Press Add ISO, and select the ISO, then convert it
11. Once thats done put the installed game back into the HDD/USB with Modio


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"How to ISO mod with a USB Flash Drive" :: Login/Create an Account :: 25 comments

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i think it will work, i have tried it for waw but the only problem that i ran into is that my usb is to small. i have a 8gb usb, and the game and iso are roughly 14gb altogether, so i think if you use a 16gb usb it might work


i really wish this would work


This has been proven wrong on CFG


guys ISO modding is running unsigned codes and putting them on a disc, w=once its on the disc its a sighned code and you cant edit a sighned code


audi48 I think that usb iso modding is possible. watch this videos( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_i5iKk5ZHI& http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cst7A2i78fM& http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMC5aI3eNMs& )and tell us what do you think about this.

you can install a modded iso's to the flash drive


so pretty much it corrupts our game and if you don't think it doesn't post a video tut


StyleFX Ok when you convert the GOD to a ISO it goes as a winrar file. How do I make that into the .iso file

You have to stop WinRAR from opening them by unticking the file associations from it. I had the same problems too. Use Daemon tools, even the lite version is great!

Or U Open Regedit and Find and delete Winrar From the choice


this dont work


StyleFX Ok when you convert the GOD to a ISO it goes as a winrar file. How do I make that into the .iso file

You have to stop WinRAR from opening them by unticking the file associations from it. I had the same problems too. Use Daemon tools, even the lite version is great!


does not work. i have tried with GTA IV all it does is say corrupt data after you waste hours from converting/downloading the modded files