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Crysis 2: The Cleaner

Tutorial Name: Crysis 2: The Cleaner  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: Cearnsy

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Views: 952

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Get 1 of each Skill Kill

Skill kills can be found under Operative Status in the Multiplayer Menu (the video in the roadmap shows this around 5:20). There are a total of 23 skill kills, I have compiled a list of them and what needs to be done to obtain them:

First Strike - Get the first kill of the match
Blind Fury - Kill an enemy while you are stunned by a flashbang grenade (Can flashbang yourself)
Dead Air - Kill an enemy when they are in the air
Specter - Stealth kill an enemy
Headshot - Kill an enemy with a headshot
Triple Kill - Get 3 consecutive kills within a few seconds
Psycho - Get 5 consecutive kills within a few seconds
Vengeance - Kill the enemy who most recently killed you
Puncture - Kill an enemy by shooting through an object
Blinding - Kill an enemy that is stunned by a flashbang grenade
Combined Fire - Damage an enemy with your primary weapon then switch to pistol and kill them
Road Rage - Kick a car at an enemy (with R3 Button ) and kill them
Denied - Kill an enemy when they are 1 Dog Tag away from acquiring a killstreak
Busted - Kill an enemy when they are in stealth mode
Defiant - Kill an enemy when you are near death
Smackdown - Melee kill an enemy
Double Kill - Get 2 consecutive kills within a few seconds
Relentless - Get 4 consecutive kills within a few seconds
Resurgence - Get a kill after a death streak (Unknown how many deaths, assuming 5?)
Wingman - Protect a team mate (Unsure how to do this, I think protect a team mate in an objective)
Guardian - Kill an enemy who is shooting a team mate before they kill that team mate
Flushed - Kill an enemy after they've been hit with a frag grenade
Intervention - Kill an enemy who is shooting a team mate in the back


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