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Crysis 3: Poltergeist Achievement Guide (Text/Video)
Tutorial Name: Crysis 3: Poltergeist Achievement Guide (Text/Video)
Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials
Submitted By: Sean
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Crysis 3
Poltergeist Achievement
Poltergeist Achievement
Worth: 10 Gamerscore
Difficulty: Easy - Medium
How to Get: Single Player: Kill 10 enemies with thrown objects without being detected
This achievement is best done on either Mission 1, or on Mission 4, as well as other random parts of the game.
Basically you will need to use your cloak, sneak behind an enemy, and pick up an object near them using X, and throw it at them using RT, no matter the object, it will kill the enemy instantly.
If you were cloaked while you killed the enemy, you will be cloaked after the enemy is killed.
Keep doing this, and work toward the achievement.
The enemies can notice that the enemy has died, as long as they don't see exactly where you are at and begin to attack you.
Make sure you are always hiding behind cover, and using your cloak to stealthy kill enemies.
You should get the achievement without too much trouble.
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