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How to mod bo1 zombies
Tutorial Name: How to mod bo1 zombies
Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials
Submitted By: Vape
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Download the rar file I have provided obove
2. Extract the contents to somewhere you will remember
3. Download horizon360 if you do not already have it
4. You will need a usb (2GB+)
5. Have your usb formatted to xbox by plugging it in, go to settings, devices, configure
6. Load Horizon360 if not already done so
7. Go to the tools tab, and click on package manager
8. Open the savegame under the savegame folder of the files you have extracted
9. Change the Profile ID to the Profile ID of the account which is going online (will be doing the mods) (You may have to move this over to the usb to find out the profile ID of it)
10. Change the device ID to the device ID of the USB (can also be found out by moving a profile onto the USB from your xbox)
11. Click rehash and resign
12. Click save to device, click yes to save changes.
13. Click the blue Open button in package manager and open modsactivator1 from the folder modactivator1
14. Replace only the device ID with the device ID of the USB (the one you used earlier for the savegame)
15. Click rehash and resign
16. Click save to device, click yes to save changes
17. Repeat steps 13 - 16 for modsactivator2 and modsactivator3
18. Take out your usb and plug it into your xbox
19. Sign into the account which is going online/doing the zombie mods
20. Load up black ops if not already done so.
21. Select the usb device as the save device (if you are not promteted to, going into options below zombies and click change storage device)
22. Go to campaign and click resume
23. Wait until you can skip, when you can do so.
24. Grab a second controller, sign into mod activator1
25. Press the guide button to make the avatar pop up disappear
26. Resume game on controller one
27. Press back on controller one, if stuff on the screen appears (such as the fps in top right corner), then you have done it right so far.
28. Press the guide button, press it again. Click save and quit.
29. Sign out of modactivator1 on second controller.
30. Unplug usb from xbox, plug it into computer
31. Go to horizon360, tools tab, package manager and open Modsactivator1 again.
32. Click rehash and resign, click save to device, click yes to save changes, click yes to overwrite.
33. Unplug usb from computer, plug it into your Xbox
34. Go to zombies, solo, load kino
35. Once loaded, click back on your first controller, numbers should appear at the top center of your screen.
36. Press guide button, press it again. Click leave/end game.
37. Go onto xbox live zombies
38. DO NOT CLICK PRIVATE MATCH IT RESETS ALL OF THIS DUE TO A WIERD HOTFIX, if you do click it you will have to start this tut from step 7 again.
39. If you want to be host (which means you use all of these mods and use them better), then follow the method i have put down below. If not stuff still works as non-host (but not everything and not as good), so you can just join a game and play.
40. Once the map has loaded (so you have spawned), grab second controller and sign into modsactivator1, once it has full signed in, sign out of it. Then sign into modsactivator2, once it has signed in fully, sing out of it. Then sign into modsactivator3, once it has signed in fully, sign out of it. Note: It may lag (seem to freeze) abit when signing in/out of the profiles, just let it do what it needs to do.
41. Now you can sit back, and use the mods. The controls are complicated, as i stuffed alot into this, so use the controls below. I advise putting on godmode straight away (press back then right bumber).
42. If you leave and go into another game, you only need to reinject all 3 modactivators back onto your usb stick using horzion360, and then sign in and out of them all once the game has loaded (basically steps 13 - 16 for all modactivators, and then step 40)
Controls:Press x for:
-dpad up gives ak47
-dpad down gives thundergun upgraded
-dpad right gives python upgraded
-dpad left gives mp5k upgraded
Press b for:
-dpad up gives famas upgraded
-dpad down gives aug upgraded
-dpad right gives pm63 upgraded
-dpad left gives m1911 upgraded
Press a for:
-Dpad up gives Wonder weapon on the map your on (e.g. freeze gun on five, shrink ray on shangri la, human gun on call of the dead, thunder gun on kino, zap guns on moon)
-Dpad down gives second wonder weapon of that map, if it has one (e.g. explosive sniper on call of the dead)
-Dpad left drops all weapons in your hands (may require host)(NOTE: I HAVE NOT TESTED THIS)
-Dpad right gives all weapons on that map (may require host)(NOTE: THIS IS VERY GLITCHY, PLEASE BE AWARE IT MAY NOT WORK AND YOU COULD LOOSE ALL YOUR POINTS)
-Right bumber toggles r_debuglayers (paint ball mode)
-Left bumber toggles through pro mod (3 perspectives)
Press right trigger for:
-dpad up gives china lake upgraded
-dpad down gives galil upgraded
-dpad left gives hk21 upgraded
-dpad right gives ak47u upgraded
-left bumber toggles cartoon mode
-right bumber toggles visions (4 modes)
Push right stick (to knife) for:
-dpad up toggles ai
-dpad down freezes players
-dpad left deletes zombies
-Right bumber toggles timescale
-dpad right unfreezes players
-left bumber toggles jump height (in dev)
Push left stick (to sprint) for:
-dpad left kick client 1 (player 1)(May require host)
-dpad right kick client 2 (player 2)(May require host)
-dpad down kick client 3 (player 3)(May require host)
-left bumber toggles fog
Press back button for:
-Infections and Dvars
-Left bumber for noclip
-Right bumber for godmode
-Dpad down to drop weapon
-Move backwards for ammo
Press start for:
-Dpad up give deathmachine (certain maps)
-Dpad left give raygun
-dpad right give wavegun (only on moon)
-dpad down deletes zombies (non-host works)
-right bumber toggles notarget (zombies ignore you)
-low gravity (requires host)
-no bullet shells
-showlist enabled (on screen green writing)
-fps enabled
-unlimited sprint
-wadefps enabled (center top of screen)
-Increased player speed/movement (requires host)
-Increased jump height (not super jump)(only a little bit due to cheat protection)
-Extreme knife range (may require host)
-Extreme player revive range (may require host)
-Box does not move (may require host)
-Huge clips
-Unlimited ammo for everyone on most guns if host
-Unlimited ammo for just you by moving backwards (host and non-host)
-Super perks (e.g. tripple tap)(may require host)
-Extreme last stand time (10+ minutes)(requires host)
-No burst wait time on guns such as the G11 and M16(may require host)
-Developer user enabled (allows special clan tags such as 3arc)
-Dead bodies float
-Pink gamertag and ping bars (Only you can see them though)
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