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Bionic Commando 5G Achievement Guide

Tutorial Name: Bionic Commando 5G Achievement Guide  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: Cokes

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Views: 541

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Complete "Train Wreck" challenge

This challenge will start after you complete the "Train Block!" challenge, and requires you to pull down 3 train cars.

To rip anything you need to attach to it using the then tap the button repeatedly to rip it.

You can find train cars in the following locations:

#1 - The first train car cannot be missed as you need to rip it to continue the story.
#2 - The second train car is towards the end of the "Ascension City Downtown - Three" level, its above you as you are moving along the raised highway.
#3 - On Ascension City Downtown - Four, you will enter a monorail station at the top of this station you will find the third train car.
#4 - Also on Downtown Four you will find a train car just after crossing the mines above three Grunts.
#5, 6, 7 - On the level Trent Industrial District - Three, as you start the level there will be three train cars to your left.
#8 - On the level Ascension City Downtown - Eight - At the start of the level on your left as you climb out of the hole.
#9 - On the level Saint's End Station once you enter the large carvern with the mines running through the centre, head to the upper level to find a train car.

Note: There are quite a few train cars in the game you only need to rip three of them.


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