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Hero of Vanguardia-7, 35G Aces of the Galaxy Achievement

Tutorial Name: Hero of Vanguardia-7, 35G Aces of the Galaxy Achievement  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: Cokes

Date Added:

Comments: 1

Views: 612

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


Earn 5 Stars on all 25 Levels on Hard



General Tips

    Your ratings are separate from all other difficulties. This means areas you get a 5 Star in on one difficulty will not merge to other difficulties. (Ex. Obtaining a 5* in Mission 6 on Normal and obtaining a 4* in Mission 2 on Hard difficulty. These ratings will not merge so you will not have a 4* in Mission 2 on Normal or a 5* in Mission 6 on Hard.)
    Progress saves throughout all modes, Solo, Co-op, or Xbox Live. Gaining a 5* on Co-op on a Mission will appear if you play Solo.
    Also, in order to save your rating, you must either beat Mission 9 or get Game Over as quitting or dropping connection will not save your progress.
    The Purple Orbs (Warp Orbs) are what allows you to change the area you're in after completing a mission. By default, you go through the middle route (Asteroids). The three routes are, from left to right, Dark Star (Orange), Asteroids (Green), and Ice Nebula (Blue). You can switch routes after any mission as long as you obtain the Warp Orb.
    Switching routes is also useful if you have Missions needed to 5* on a different route.
    There is no Mission Select. You must work your way back to Missions you did not 5*. If you did not 5* Mission 9, you must work your way back up.


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"Hero of Vanguardia-7, 35G Aces of the Galaxy Achievement" :: Login/Create an Account :: 1 comment

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Seems like it's hard to get, this may take a while.

Anyways, nice tutorial man!