Fortnite Is Fixing the Pump Shotgun

The way that the Pump Shotgun is fired and pumped in Fortnite is being changed in an upcoming update.

With the way that the Pump Shotgun works now, players can fire the powerful weapon and then quickly switch to a different weapon. Doing so will bypass the pumping action that delays the next shot, thus maximizing the amount of power that can be dished out in a short amount of time.

While it’s a neat trick to use in heated fights – some might call it an exploit – it does negate one of the weapon’s main weaknesses. Epic Games announced on Reddit that a solution for this problem was coming in Patch 3.0 with the pumping action now being made mandatory whether you switch weapons or not.

“Many of you have shared feedback with us regarding Pump Shotguns. Thank you! Your input helps shape the future of Battle Royale and we greatly appreciate your comments and concerns.

“The Pump Shotgun’s high damage is balanced by its long reload time, and bypassing that weakness makes the weapon stronger than intended.

“So, with the upcoming release of 3.0.0, we are making an adjustment to the Pump Shotgun behavior. If you fire the Pump Shotgun and quickly switch weapons, the next time it’s selected it will be forced to pump before firing again. This feature will only be enabled for Pump Shotguns, but we will closely monitor other weapon types for similar concerns.”

The change might not be officially categorized as a nerf since this change just makes the weapon work the way that it was originally intended to, but for those Fortnite players who were using the tactic, it’d definitely be considered a nerf. Epic Game’s announcement regarding the change follows continued feedback from players regarding the issue, though it did take a couple of patches for the Pump Shotgun to receive attention after it was first brought up.

Patch 3.0 will be the update that introduces the Pump Shotgun change, but in the meantime, players are already coming up with different tactics and ides that’ll allow the weapon to remain relevant in power such as using it with the Tactical SMG.

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"Fortnite Is Fixing the Pump Shotgun" :: Login/Create an Account :: 21 comments

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Saw this info a few days back, have to say it was beginning to annoy tf out of me. It's mad how far Fortnite has come. Shame it's a love or hate game.


Thats sad new's but its whatever!


Well i guess there goes the double pump trick I always use. TBH, that was the only way i really got kills. Guess i need to get my skill level up with ARs and Snipers.


Well rip double pump i'll just use Pump & Tac from now on seems like a good idea.


25_To_Life So we can still double pump with a tac and pump instead?

I was thinking the same thing, get the first hit with the pump then finish them with a tac.

Or, you can still double pump you just have to hit both shots.

Not too sure about this, it's still gonna be overpowered imo


So we can still double pump with a tac and pump instead?


It's about time. They're stupidly broken right now :l


Gonna be hard to fix. The gun will be either be good after or just completely useless. Very hard to fix guns in these games.


I really wouldn't consider this 'fixing' the pump shotgun at all considering a headshot with a common version will still mean 200+ damage, even at a considerable range.


NOOOOO :( rip this shotgun