Next gen Xbox disk installation required

Earlier today, a few images of the "Microsoft Durango XDK Documentation Setup" leaked on the internet. This document is for licensed game developers only, and it reveals tons of unannounced information regarding the next-gen Xbox to the public. Much more has been added to the documentation since the last time it was leaked.

What really threw us off was the following:
"All games will be installed on the hard drive. Play from optical disc will not be supported."

What do you think? We'd say this is proof that they will include, at least, a 320GB hard drive in the base console at launch.

We also noticed that upon installation of the documentation, all of the tools and plugins needed for developers to create games are installed to Visual Studio 2012. Older versions of Visual Studio seem to have been abandoned.



"Next gen Xbox disk installation required" :: Login/Create an Account :: 268 comments

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BigDaddyTy wouldn't that mean you can just go to redbox/blockbuster and rent the games and return them ? or would you still have to use the disks ?

No, because they'll most likely do it like the xbox 360 works, where installing just makes the game run faster, you still need the disc to actually play.


J-E-T-S I expect a 300 or so GB hard drive then microsoft... not DERP DEE DA 4GB

It will most likely have a pretty large HDD.


Sorry everyone that's getting a Xbox 720 but im buying a PS4 for reasons like this!


Axe This is going to suck for people whos internet connection isn't so great.

My internet connection sucks. I live in the country so we cant get cable. We have a 4g verizon thing to go on the internet. this is gonna suck for me.


J-E-T-S I expect a 300 or so GB hard drive then microsoft... not DERP DEE DA 4GB

I literally lOL'd at this. Im sure the hdd will be pretty big.


I expect a 300 or so GB hard drive then microsoft... not DERP DEE DA 4GB


ME0W I hope we don't have to use disks, that will make things easier and would eliminate the problem of broken disks.

Im hoping that to it will be easier and save more money


BigDaddyTy wouldn't that mean you can just go to redbox/blockbuster and rent the games and return them ? or would you still have to use the disks ?

Haha that is a good point :)


This is going to suck for people whos internet connection isn't so great.


wouldn't that mean you can just go to redbox/blockbuster and rent the games and return them ? or would you still have to use the disks ?