Wii U April update cuts loading time for returning to menu

The Wii U system update due next month is being touted as a large one by Nintendo, and here's one of the reasons why. As previously indicated, the update increases the speed of returning from a game to the Wii U menu, but this video shows just how significant that speed boost is.

Going by this video, it'll take almost two thirds less time - from around 23 seconds to just 9 - to exit out of a game and return to the Wii U menu following the update.

While we can't test the update for ourselves just yet, we can and did verify the 'before' video's accuracy with our own side-by-side comparison; our Wii U took the exact same time to exit out of New Super Mario Bros. U. So no, no one sneakily pressed any pause buttons.

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Source: http://www.joystiq.com/2013/03/27/wii-u-april-update-boosts-returning-to-menu-speed-significantly/


"Wii U April update cuts loading time for returning to menu" :: Login/Create an Account :: 120 comments

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Why does it take so long?


Brad- I took 23 seconds just to exit a game? No wonder it's doing so bad, it looks terrible from everything i've seen about it!

lol after the update it is still 9 seconds


I took 23 seconds just to exit a game? No wonder it's doing so bad, it looks terrible from everything i've seen about it!


zR-Tx Wow thats a major difference in speed! Hopefully they bring out more good updates!

Yeah it is pretty substantial.

well hope their going in the right direction.


zR-Tx Wow thats a major difference in speed! Hopefully they bring out more good updates!

Yeah it is pretty substantial.


I think the biggest turn off for people is finding out they can't ven download some games. Why would they even have a 5gb update at the release


zR-Tx Wow thats a major difference in speed! Hopefully they bring out more good updates!

yeah i know lets hope


Maya Well atleat they are working on it still.

yeah I know right


Wagering Nintendo's stepping up, trying to sell this console.

Well they have to as sales are poor

Very poor lmfao


Well atleat they are working on it still.