![Titanfall: quick-scoping & no-scoping are ‘ineffective’, says Respawn](https://www.thetechgame.com/images/news/article/22db8e35d8.jpg)
It follows this new Titanfall trailer, showing off the Atlas mech in all its stompy glory.
Now, over on the Respawn forum, one developer wrote, “Sniping is in the game, but due to how the game plays it’s a pretty different animal than you’ll find in your run of the mill modern military shooter. Quick scoping and no scoping are ineffective.”
Quick-scoping is a method of aiming in Call of Duty that sees a player using the game’s auto-aim to zero in on a target for a one-shot kill. It’s not cheating, but it’s notorious for pissing people off, seeing as sniper rifles are powerful, given their history as long range weapons. Using them up close like that – it is argued – upsets the shooter’s balancing. No-scoping on the other hand, is scoring kills without aiming the sniper rifle at all.
It remains to be seen just how sniping will be used in Titanfall. We’ll have to wait until March to find out.
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Source: http://www.vg247.com/2014/01/02/titanfall-quick-scoping-no-scoping-are-ineffective-says-respawn/
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