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Search found 133 results for your query Pathway.

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Description: This is probably the easiest Mission. Start by going to The Broken Shillelagh. You get taken to a training...


Views: 1,081

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: Once back in the simulation, you meet up with CID. He can help you, but needs your help in return. Go to the point that...


Views: 1,306

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: First, go to The Broken Shillelagh. After the cutscene, go forward down the secret walkway. Now, before you go charging...


Views: 5,031

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: Again, start off by going to The Broken Shillelagh. You get warped to Stillwater a few years ago. Go forward and take...


Views: 667

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: Start off by going to the Old Crib Ruins in Stanfield. After learning that you need a CID body, go to the location of...


Views: 983

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: Start off by going to Planet Zin, the clothing store. Hack into it using the controls on-screen. Once this is done, a...


Views: 761

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: You are now out in the city. The first thing you gotta do is steal a car. Hop in one and use the in-game map to pull up...


Views: 910

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: You wake up in what looks like a 1950s television show. Go downstairs for breakfast, then out to get the paper. Go hop...


Views: 679

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: Now, create your character. I'm making mine a horrid man-Marge Simpson hybrid. Once you are ready, start the game. Walk...


Views: 601

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: Right off the bat, you're given a choice to go left or right. We'll choose the path to the left. After turning a corner...


Views: 696

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: The mission kicks off with a bang as two enemy Locust attack from the left. One of the Locust is manning a turret...


Views: 670

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: A few enemies will appear at the far end of the courtyard, but the chopper overhead will take care of them for you....


Views: 588

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: As you break out of your cell, follow your savior to the doorway. He'll give you a choice of which way to go, left into...


Views: 557

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials